Chapter 18

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The day after, I woke up at 5 am. Not like usual, I got up alone without TFBOYS. I took my phone and then called Karry.

"Hey, good morning, (y/n). I don't know you're already up."
"Hey. Yeah, well, it feels so lonely without you guys here."
"I thought you only miss me."
"Hm, nothing hehe. We all miss you too."
"Hehe, are they still sleeping?"
"As usual, yeah. Btw, I have to take a shower first, kay? I'll call you later, bye."

It was so rare that he would like to take a shower earlier. Well, that's good, though.

After that, I took a shower and then rushed to the kitchen to see what the breakfast menu was. It was hamburger with cheese! Thanks to mum!

"How's the taste?" mum asked.
"Well, you should be a chef for sure," I teased her playfully, "where did you get the recipe?"

She smiled brightly.

While we were eating, suddenly, my phone rang. It was from Karry again.

"Who is that, hun?" my mum asked.
"Answer it then."


"Mm, hey, Kwarrwy."
"... what are u doing?"
"Mhm, eatwing withw mwy mwum?" I said as I struggling so hard to talk while I'm munching my food.
"Well, so, my manager just called me a few minutes ago. He said that we, TFBOYS, had to fly to Beijing today."

My mum starred at me and asked me to be quiet. I shallowed my food and then continued talking.

"Yeah, well. Okay, I see."
"You sound unhappy."
"No, no, no. I'm actually fine. I'm totally fine."

Well, actually I didn't want them to go to Beijing and then left me alone here.

"Hm. I think you can go with us."
"Ah? Really?"
"Yeah, if your parents allow you."
"Okay, I'll ask them."
"I'm gonna pick you up, okay? I'll be waiting in front of your house at 7 am?"
"Sounds great!"
"Kay, pack your bags, (y/n). I'll see ya later."
"Kay, bye, Kar."


I ended the call.

"What did he say?" my mum asked.
"Hm. Can I go to Beijing today? With TFBOYS?"
"Okay, how long?"
"I didn't ask him."
"Okay, as long as you are always with them there."
"Yeay! Thanks, mum."

After eating, I packed my bags immediately. Then my dad came to my room.

"Good morning, (y/n)."
"Hey, dad. How was your night?" I teased him.
"Yeah, good. What are you doing?"
"I'm packing my bags. So, well, I'm going to Beijing today with TFBOYS."
"Okay then. It's still winter holiday!"
"Yeah, I know. Thanks, dad."


It was 7 am and Karry was there in front of my house. I checked my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing a long sleeve crop top, long jeans, winter jacket and wedges. Then I let Karry in.

"Where's Jackson and Roy?" I asked.
"They're sleeping in the car."
"Ah, I know it!"
"By the way, you look so pretty."

I blushed and poked them with my elbow.

"Hm, but I think you should wear something that makes you can't be recognized."
"I'm wearing a jacket."
"That's not enough. You should make my fans think that you're my manager "
"Hm, I see. I'll bring my sunglasses with my snapback," I said as I making a ponytail and then put the snapback on my ponytail. Last but not least, I wore my sunglasses. After that I looked ar my reflection in the mirror and said to Karry:

"I really DO like a boy, seriously."

Karry laughed and then put his hand around me.

"But what if they don't believe that I'm actually the person on my passport?"
"It's okay, Xiaomage will explain it."

"Come on, my tiny manager, we don't have time. We have to go to the airport immediately," he said.
"As you wish, Mr. Karry."

We laughed as we going out from my beloved room. Then, I said goodbyes to my parents. My parents, who didn't recognized me, felt a bit shocked. But then I told them the truth.

"Take care, (y/n)."
"I will."

When we were inside the car, Jackson and Roy had already opened their eyes. They started to ask where they were and where we were going to. So Karry explained that waking them up took a very long time.

Anyway, when we arrived at the airport, their manager did the check-in first. Meanwhile, I looked around me and thought It was so crowded!

"Well, it's the airport situation," whispered Jackson.
"Oh," I said as I couldn't stop looking at the long queues.


Finally, we waited at the gate. We played many games on Karry's phone. It was very fun!

But unfortunately, we had to stop the game because we were being called to go into the airplane.

When we were on the plane, Karry let me sit beside the window (so it meaned that he was sitting beside me again!). Jackson and Roy, well, as usual!

I listened to music and slept many times on Karry's shoulder (as usual!). Karry, who was also listening to music, didn't sleep at that time. He was busy doing his movie marathon!


2 pm. FINALLY! It had been 5 hours sitting there! When we landed safely, we got a TF's car to get to TF's dorm.

After we arrived, I finally could put the snapback and the sunglasses away. We had rest there until 4 pm because it was very tiring but fun. Jackson and Roy were still playing games while Karry and I were sleeping!

At 4 pm, we took a shower one by one. After that, we had a snack time, yeay! Luckily, Jackson brought many snacks from the supermarket a few days ago. We also watched film there.

Then, when it was already 6.30 pm, we went to a Chinese restaurant near the dorm to have a dinner. We arrived there at 7 pm and ordered. Well, as usual, we talked while eating, so it took 2 hours!

Back to the dorm, at about 9.30 pm. Jackson and Roy was eating snacks again, meanwhile Karry and I were busy doing a karaoke. He played the guitar and I sang (I know my voice is bad, though). I sang a song called 'Like I'm gonna lose you'. So romantic, right?

Anyway, because we all were bored, Roy suggested watching TV. And then we watched TFBOYS' episode of the Run for Time. It was the 4th episode of the show. It was very funny.

At 12.00 pm, we went to sleep. Before I was about to sleep, Karry gave me a good night kiss (on my lips!). After that, we slept.

to be continued...

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