Chapter 5

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The next morning, my temperature wasn't high again. So I could go to school again, yeay! Btw, when I looked on the floor, I didn't see Karry. And the blanket, which he used last night, was already placed on the blanket that I used. So I was wearing 2 blankets! Well, thanks though, Karry. Hehee.

Still wearing a pajamas, I opened my door room and went out to the kitchen. There was Karry preparing something. And yes, he was making sandwiches for us!

"Wow, did..did you make all of these?!" I asked.
"Yes, because I think it's quite easy to make. So this is for me, Jackson and Roy. This is for your mum and dad, I made it very special, just for them. And last but not least, this is yours," he said as he gave me a sandwich with ham and cheese.

When I looked at the other sandwiches, I realized that they all had ham, cheese and vegetables in them. And I started to think, how could he know I didn't like the vegetables? Ah, never mind.

"Thanks, Karry," I said to him with a big smile.
"You look a lot better now, let me check it," he said as he put his hand on my forehead and then smiled, "well, I think so."

When we were busy smiling at each other for seemed like FOREVER, Jackson and Roy went out from their rooms and asked who would take a shower first. I was first to answer, and then Karry, and then Jackson. So it means that Roy was the last one.

After we all ready, all of us went to our school by my car (my mom drove it). When we arrived, we got into our class as soon as possible because the bell was about to ring.

The first subject was English and we were given an exercise. I helped TFBOYS in answering the questions because they don't really understand English. So yeah, hahaha.

At break time, suddenly Karry asked if I wanted to go to the school's garden. Meanwhile Jackson and Roy went to the cafeteria first because they were so starving.

When we arrived, I was quite nervous because there were only the two of us.

"So, I heard you're from Korea. Have you ever known Xiaokai when you were in there?" he asked.
"Yes, why?" I asked him again.
"No, nothing."

I could see that he was quite surprised. But why would he ask such a nonsense question? Me and Xiaokao had already broken up anyway. But did he know Xiaokai? It felt like... he was hiding something from me.


Karry was so speechless after he heard it. He was totally sure that she was her old girlfriend, but he just wasn't ready to tell her about it. So they went to the cafeteria.


After school, Karry took (y/n) home. Then he went to his house and saw Jackson and Roy. He told them about what had happened that day at the garden.

"So, it means that she is your ex girlfriend right? I knew it," Jackson said excitedly.
"Well, I still don't believe it. There's no proof," Roy said as he playing a computer game.
"Oh, come on Roy," Jackson said to Roy.

Not so long, (y/n) called Karry.

"H... Hello, (y/n)?" Karry said.
"Hi Karry, um, I'm in front of your house right now. Can you please let me in?"
"Jack, can you open the door for (y/n)? She's here."

Jackson opened the door for (y/n) as soon as possible.

"What brings you here, (y/n)? I thought you've already home," Roy asked.
"What is that luggage for?" Jackson asked, "and the sleeping bag too?"
"Well, my parents are going to Korea today. They said I have to stay here because they won't leave me alone. So, can I stay here? Again?" (y/n) begged.

Karry smiled with a very big smile when he heard it.

"How long?" Jackson asked to (y/n).
"Only 3 days," (y/n) said.

Karry's smile looked even bigger when he heard it.

"Okay then, you may," Roy smiled.
"Aw, thank you so much, guys," (y/n) said as she hugged all of them.


"AAA I'm so excited!!! I couldn't believe they would let me stay there at first, but the result was such a good news." (y/n) said.

Because it was already 5 pm, I took a shower first. And then Karry, Jackson and lastly, Roy. As usual.

Then, I cooked a Korean food for our dinner because I'm the only one who can cook. Although I'm still learning from my mum until now hehe. After the food was prepared, we had dinner. They said that the taste was good. Ah, so worth it.

30 minutes later, I decided to put my luggage into Karry's room. He told me to sleep in his room again. Of course, we wouldn't sleep together in one bed again. Although we did. But I brought a sleeping bag for me to sleep on the floor.

Suddenly, Karry got into his room and said:

"Hey, I'm looking for you. I didn't know you're here," he said as he looked into my sleeping bag, "you brought a sleeping bag?"
"Yeah, so you could sleep on your own bed again hehe," I said.
"No no no. You better sleep on my bed. You'll get cold if you sleep on the floor," he said, "besides, you get sick easily right?"

How... how did he know I could get ill easily? Oh, maybe after what had happened yesterday. Ah, he's such a considerate person, just like my old boyfriend. Um no. He's no longer my boyfriend!

"Okay, thanks Karry. Do you wanna play a card? I bought cards," I asked.

We played it together without Jackson and Roy. Because they said they wanted to get some rest.

During the game, we laughed so hard because our scores are always tie. But then, it was raining.

When I heard the thunder, I hugged Karry. I really had no idea why I would hug him at that time. Then Karry hugged me even harder. It wasn't that embarrassing right then, comparing to the first time he hugged me.

Because I was so scared and sleepy at the same time, I slept in his arms until the next morning.

to be continued...

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