Chapter 4~Brown Eyes

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I turned inside my bed. It was pitch black outside and pouring rain. Perfect. But what could I expect right? Apparently it rains a lot in the UK; more than in Chicago at least. Pressing the top of my phone, the screen illuminated, practically blinding me. 2:46 AM. Brilliant.

I lay there, staring up at the white ceiling. So far I found two faces in the stucco design. Sighing I sat up and mentally counted back. It would be 9:46 in Chicago, no wonder I’m wide awake now. How did I even fall asleep originally?

My feet hit the cold wood, seeping into my once warm socks. Perhaps exploring could make me more tired. I pulled my arms through a sweater and tippy-toed over to my bedroom door, praying it didn’t squeak. Unfortunately luck hated my guts and it sounded like a dying bird while I pried open the wooden frame as slowly and skillfully as possible.

I peered around, noticing a door. When I opened it a shaft of darkness wafted up from the dungeon. The basement. I am definitely never going to go down there. Ever. Like, ever ever. I opened another door and it ended up just being a supplies closet. These people loved Windex…

My feet moved me up the stairs to the main level where the family room and kitchen were. On cue my stomach growled. Loudly I might add. Just then I realized the pasta had worn off and I could keel over any moment from malnourishment. That’s definitely not a good thing…

Opening the pantry I noticed several things, but one title caught my attention. What the heck is a twiglet??

I grabbed a handful and continued on my way. They kind of look like pretzels…

I shoved one into my mouth. Oh my-!

A large chunk flew out and I coughed up the rest. This definitely is not like a pretzel!


Opening the trashcan I tossed the vile snack away, hoping to never see it again. I can’t even describe it it was so alien-like. Sighing I walked over to the family room, doing my best to stifle a cough. My eyes caught on something I hadn’t noticed before. A door. It’s probably just a closet but I’ll check it out anyways. I made my way over and opened the door, praying it wouldn’t make any noise. And to my surprise it didn’t. What luck! Perhaps the moisture is different up here than downstairs…

Walking inside, I was completely blown away! This wasn’t a closet it was a library! The walls were literally filled to the top with books and some shelves held antique objects like suitcases, old dolls, vintage cameras, and even some old wheels; perhaps from a bike. This place is incredible!

I walked over to a shelf and picked up a camera. I know. You should never touch anything that isn’t yours, especially if it’s antique, and double especially with my track record. But it was too amazing to pass by. I wonder if you were to take it to a shop they could fix it…

My eye peeped through the little viewfinder, stopping once I saw what it was in front of. I hastily put the camera down; making sure it was safe and made my way over to the shelf. My hand grazed the binder and a shiver went up my spine. Perhaps from the cold draft or perhaps from the memories. Either way I rubbed the goosebumps down on my arms.

The Complete Tails of Winnie-The-Pooh.

My mom would always read his adventures to make me fall asleep. Every night I would climb into bed and cuddle next to her while she would read page after page of him. To this day it’s the only fictional book I’ve ever truly enjoyed. After our copy got moldy from being in a basement during a move I thought I wouldn’t be able to find another one of these! Fate sure loves to keep you guessing sometimes.

I slid the book away from the other two beside it. My fingers traced the familiar letters on the cover and I opened it up a crack, smelling the inside. Please don’t judge. The scent of an old book is like eating double chocolate ice cream; pure heaven! It’s been forever since I’ve seen this shade of blue, this old typed print, this faded yellow tint of paper. I can’t believe these still exist! This could be a sign. Maybe if I read this I’ll be able to fall asleep…

Hugging the book to myself I subconsciously grinned and began walking towards the exit, only to slam into something hard and lose my balance.

“Ow…” I rubbed my nose but realized there were two hands holding my shoulders, steadying my wobbling frame. Swallowing I slowly looked up, and kept looking up a good foot before my eyes came in contact with a pair of brown ones. Realization crept in and I felt my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. Who-Who-Who-

He didn’t say a word, just bit his lip. Oh no! He’s a pedophile!!

My face flamed up to an unattractive redness and I slapped a hand over my mouth, suppressing a scream. His hands were still on my shoulders and I dropped the book, sprinting out of the room.

Panting, I bolted down the stairs to where my room was and slammed my door shut. Holy-exploring-during-the-middle-of-the-night-and-finding-a-stranger! I was still gasping for air and collapsed onto the bed. My hand touched my shoulder. It was still burning from his touch…

I sudden thought ripped my from my recount. I dropped the book! Dog-gone-it! Now what am I supposed to do? That was my one and only ticket to getting some sleep tonight!

My hand pressed down on my phone again and it read 3:04 AM. Perhaps I could play spider solitaire or something. I flicked my thumb across the screen and selected the game I wanted, hoping to burn time and brain cells.


Four games of solitaire and a bathroom break later I was lying in bed, staring up at the wall once again. My brain was half dead but the one thing that was sketched into my mind was a pair of brown eyes. They were so deep…So full of mystery…And…somewhat playful?

Gah! What the heck! He’s a pedophile. How can I be thinking that? Get it together Emily!

I tossed and turned inside the covers until I was comfortable, breathing out a loud puff of air. My eyes slowly closed, but the brown pair was staring at me the entire night, keeping me safe.

Definitely not as long as the other three chapters, but I had to get this little bit up. It took me forever to decide if I wanted to introduce our main man in this chapter of if I should wait another chapter. And if I didn't put it in this then I would have to change the story line slightly and add more and etc. But I was impatient and lazy, so I added him right away. This, like all the others, are unedited. After I complete the story I shall go back and edit everything. Perhaps by then I'll have made a few connections and can have someone do it for me. Daydreaming. ^_^

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small chapter and that you'll vote and comment, if you would like to. Feedback is always welcome and feel free to point out anything gramatically or spellingwise flaws. Peace out Home-Slices!! <3

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