Chapter 26~The Secrets We Keep Hidden

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“I need help.” This blank statement could mean almost anything in this day and age. Could you loan me some money. Will you be my wingman. How do you get to the nearest Walmart.

But not for me.

I had a very specific intent when I called Lucy this late Sunday morning. She seemed to understand the tone of seriousness in my voice and decided to meet up at a café I’d come to love.

An hour later I had showered, shrugged on a bright yellow cardigan, and set out on my loaned bike.

“What can I do Jack?” Her emerald eyes sparkled and everything I had rehearsed in the mirror seemed to vanish. My mouth felt dry so I gulped down some of my iced coffee and right as I composed myself, the door swung open with a familiar chime.

When I looked up I saw two very distinct faces. One belonged to the aforementioned girl’s boyfriend and the second to none other than Martin. I nearly choked on my drink when he scanned the area and began skipping in our direction.

“You invited Craig and Martin?” I hissed. I couldn’t believe this. This was a very private interview I asked for and now everything was going to be out in the open; to his three best friends. I breathed deep as a way to calm my already frayed nerves.

“I figured whatever you wanted help with could be fixed with three minds. Why?” Her face contorted into a confused expression and for a moment I thought it would be alright. But then reality set in when Martin screeched his chair back against the tiled floor and sat down.

“Have no fear, Martin is here!” His childish grin set me back a little and I narrowed my eyes at Lucy. Now I was even deeper in an uncomfortable situation.

“What did you need help with Em? Lucy sounded pretty grim when she rang us up.” Craig looked at me in all seriousness; just like him.

“Yeah, and why isn’t Terrence here? You would think he would be the first you would go to.” Martin winked at me.

I took one last gulp of my drink. Perhaps the caffeine would help. “I-“ My words died out at the sight of all three persons facing me expectantly. “I…” How would I word this? Two hours ago I had been pacing in my room and figured out just how to say it. Now I was completely blank.

“You~” Martin started for me, prompting me with a roll of his hand.

“I’m in love with your best friend.” There. All cards on the table. Hopefully they understood my jumble of words. But one of them groaned while the third’s eyes sparkled. She clasped her hands together like a two year old and it looked like she was silently squealing.

“That’s it?” Craig sounded shocked. “Why do you need us? We already knew that.”

“Well…I’m not sure how to tell him…” My burnt face cast down to my drink on the worn table.

“No no no, she’s right.” Martin leaned forward like he was going to whisper a secret. “If she isn’t careful about this it could all go achoo.”

“It’s askew, and don’t put those doubts in her mind.” Up until now Lucy had been silent; squealing internally. She was also probably contemplating my problem and figuring out how to fix it. “She needs all the confidence she can get.” Her beaming eyes and 20 watt smile slid to my direction and I could tell this was like Christmas morning for her. She had been trying to match make us all this time and now that I outted the big news she probably couldn’t contain her excitement.

“What is there to figure out? Just tell him like you did us. Only change it from your best friend to you.” Craig was always the reasonable one. But I needed more than this. Where should I tell him? How should I word it? When would it be the best? All of these things a guy couldn’t understand. That’s why I didn’t invite these two lunk heads.

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