Chapter 6~Addiction to Timidity

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My eyes were blurry as they opened. At some point I must have fallen asleep while reading the book filled with memories. AKA Whinny the Pooh. Wow do I sound childish for reading that, but whateva! Don’t judge people. Don’t judge.

Stifling a yawn was impossible so I merely concealed it with the back of my hand. I branched my limbs out to their limits and got up from my new bed; cracking my back in the process. The rain had apparently stopped because the window was covered in drops but there weren’t any falling from the sky. The sky was pitch black! What time was it??

I almost tripped over my suitcase while fumbling over to the side table. Snatching my phone up I looked down at it. 10:42 PM?? What. In the world. Happened. I only closed my eyes for a moment! You would think I would have woken up from something like-like starvation! A pang shot through my stomach and I knew it wasn’t cramping. Oh no no no. That had already passed. This was straight up famishment.

Grabbing a hoodie, I pulled it over my Beatle’s t-shirt and walked out of my room. Quietly might I add. I entered the kitchen and immediately began to raid the cabinets, praying I didn’t find anything near as disgusting as the other snack I tasted.

As it turned out I found bread and jelly in the fridge, so I made myself a sandwich.


So apparently there are other types of jelly’s besides grape. Who in all the land knew? I mean, I guess I kind of did…but not really. Strawberry? Really? This is like eating pixie dust on bread!

I took another bite while sitting at the kitchen table, remembering the conversation Mrs. Holmes and I had shared. Can I smash my head into a wall? Please? A pedophile? Really? But I mean, can you actually blame me? It was dark with only one lamp on. And in my defense he was the one who snuck up on me. Kind of…

A pair of hauntingly brown eyes floated around in my head and my shoulders began to feel a little warm again. I shoved another bite into my mouth, probably in an unladylike fashion but what the heck with it. I was alone.

“It is. I try telling him to go to bed earlier but it never seems to work. He’s always up later than all of us; sometimes until early morning.”

Mrs. Holmes' words reminded me that he was probably awake right now. In the room only a hop skip and a jump away. An icicle went up my spine and I hugged my hoodie closer to my thin frame.What's with the temperature change?

Brown eyes.

I grumpily munched away on the rest of my sandwich.

Brown eyes.

I thought about the room dynamics and the color of the walls.

Brown eyes.

I thought about how comfy my new bed actually was.

Brown eyes.

I thought about all the different ways I could burn time while living here.

Brown eyes.

Oh the heck with it all! Would they never leave me alone?? Here I’m trying to do everything in my power to forget about them and all they continue to do is haunt me. Fart bubbles.

I sat there sulking with my cheek smooshed into my hand, grumbling incoherent things to make me feel better. It didn’t work. At all.

A thought popped into my head but I tried desperately to subdue it. It would be bad, even borderline creepy. But at this point I was willing to do anything. So getting up from my place at the supper table I tossed my napkin and stalked into my bedroom, not even caring if anyone heard me. It wouldn’t matter anyways. They probably knew I was awake since I had slept all day. But it doesn’t matter. I always stay up late anyways.

Things went flying everywhere as I searched through my suitcase. Aha! I successfully grabbed the notebook and a pen and began my way back up the stairs. What would I even say? He had apologized so I guess I could start somewhere around there…

I reached his door and breathing became more of an exercise than reflex. Swallowing hard, I scribbled down two words. It’s alright. Should I add a smiley face? That could come off friendlier…or creepier. Fart bubbles. Should I make a smiley face? I’ll make a smiley face. There. Before I could even think twice I quickly slid it under his door, praying this was as good of an idea as it was in my mind.

I heard footsteps coming closer and saw the shadow of them in front of the door. Dear Lord kill me now. Kill. Me. Now.

Closing my eyes as tightly as I could I folded my hands together, nearly having cardiac arrest. I heard him retreating from the door and coming back. Suddenly a slip of paper slid under the door, bouncing slightly off of my fuzzy socks. I bent down and picked it up. My heart hammering a mile a minute.

You sure? You looked like you were about to pass out.

A weak smile spread across my face and I sat down, placing my back against the wall.

Yeah I’m sure. Although I probably could have passed out if I let myself. I slipped it under the door and I heard him sit down from behind the barrier, a small chuckle coming out. Oh goodness.

If I were to be completely honest with myself I would admit that I actually didn’t remember what he looked like at all. Just that he had brown eyes. But could you blame me? I was so scared I nearly peed myself.

A minute had passed and there was no note. It scared me a little. This was…fun. I didn’t want it to stop. So I quickly thought of some sort of conversation starter.

Thanks for the book.

I sat there and waited. Waited for a stranger behind the door to give me a response. Why I needed to talk to him I didn’t know. I just knew that I had to, or else I would feel sick.

No problem.

This wasn’t going anywhere.

What’s your name? I hurriedly sketched out, not yet ready to leave. I already knew what it was but for some reason I wanted to still talk to him.


By this time it had already become familiar, but I still loved the way it sounded. For some reason it felt even more special coming from him. A perfect stranger.

I shook my head with a goofy smile on my face but it immediately fell off when I heard him get up and walk away.

What happened?

I was so tempted to open the door and figure out what went wrong, to settle my turning stomach at least. But I couldn’t. From what Mrs. Holmes had said he sounded like an introvert. Someone who doesn’t like to be around people that much, let alone strangers. If I open his door it would be a deliberate interference on his privacy. But I wouldn’t let this go. I wouldn’t stop here, not when his presence was so addicting; even though it was only from behind a door. I can’t stop here, not now. I need more.

I know. I am sooooo sorry for the long wait, but I had writer's block. Not a little, oh-I-can't-think. But like, full on constipation. XP And I know this chapter is short but I knew that if I didn't write anything I wouldn't get anywhere. I get inspiration from writing. So maybe if I did a little I would get more ideas. We shall see! *Crosses fingers* I decided to add a little (Just a little mind you) of Terrence. His presence was needed and I find the notes under the door completely and utterly adorable...and mysterious. Love it. It's like an old fashioned version of instant messaging. ^_^ *Sigh* I'm too far gone. Helpless romantic in your presence. Anyways. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please excuse grammatical and spelling errors. I shall go back farther down the road and fix it all. If you like it please vote (Only if you wish to) and comment! Comment comment comment. I love those...a lot. TTFN Home Slices!

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