Chapter 21~Let the Rain Save the Day

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I was currently glaring daggers at a laughing Lucy. Despite my warning of no funny business she managed to make me gracelessly trip into Terrence, shove me in-between the boys, hold a conversation that had a second meaning to everything, and just before we sat down in the booth she shoved me onto Terrence’s side. He probably thinks I set her up to all this and wants nothing to do with me. 

“You should have seen the look on her face!” She bellowed while recalling an incident at work. “I only wish I would have thought to bring out a camera!”

“That would be rude.” I gave a pointed look in her direction. “It would have been a violation of her privacy.” I was squeezing my fork so hard I thought I was going to cut the circulation off. I only hoped she caught my drift.

The redhead collected herself and gave a slight sigh. “I suppose, but it would have been worth it.”

“Worth risking a sale?” My voice pressed on; she didn’t seem to be catching on.

“We’re paid on commission; we get an extra amount tacked on to the worth of the bought items. But at that point it wouldn’t have bothered me if she did walk out without anything. Like I said; it was worth it.”

My frustration simmered just underneath the surface and I was barely holding it together. It wasn’t my fault though; Terrence and I had just stepped off of shaky ground and were finally sustaining a good friendship. I didn’t want her crazy antics to jeopardize what we were just beginning to create. Things were comfortable. Things were safe. There was too much to risk with risky behavior.

Just when I thought I was about to explode she excused herself and began heading to the restrooms. With a tight reassuring smile I got up and followed in pursuit. I tried slamming the door shut for emphasis but it had a locked air flow which made it gracefully close like a feather. Forget the door.

“What do you think you’re doing?” My voice was raised slightly in frustration.

Her face creased in confusion. “I was just about to wee..? Why?”

“No! Not about that,” I waved my frantic hand at the stall.  “About that!” My hand flew back in the direction of the door.  

“Em, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Mind calming down a little? People will hear…” She anchored her hands onto her hips and raised an eyebrow.

I pursed my lips slightly in distaste. “Terrence probably thinks I’m some crazed stalker by the way I’ve been ‘acting’.”

A sly smile crept onto her face. “Oh,” She dragged out dramatically. “You mean me strategically placing you by him?”

“If you mean tripping and shoving me into him, then yes!” I breathed out deeply, trying to calm myself. “I’m serious Lucy; I think I have a bruise!”

“What’s a bruise when you compare it to standing next to your man?” She said wistfully.   

“‘My man’ happens to be becoming a really good friend. The whole kissing incident is finally behind us and we’re finally making progress. You’re gestures aren’t helping.”

“You guys are moving too slowly, you just need a push in the right direction.” She crossed her arms loosely.

“Not literally!”

“I’m done with this conversation. I’m about to wet myself any second and I can’t waste it on second guessing my tactics.” And with that the fiery redhead shoved a stall door open and closed it behind her.

I nearly pulled my hair out. This was ridiculous. I wanted support, not the entire cavalry.  

“Look,” I breathed out and stepped dangerously close to her stall. “I know you mean well. But could you just tone it down a bit? I don’t think it would go over well if it was too obvious.” The truth was it felt like molasses in the middle of winter and I too wished it would pick up a bit; but I was never going to admit that to her. Besides, everything has to be done in the right timing. I’m still just getting to know him! I can’t just rush in to anything. What if we end up at each other’s throats and disagree about everything? It would never work out then. Slow and steady was the way to go.

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