Chapter 30~Gone

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 I padded to the kitchen. I was glad that my dad had left for work early, so I didn’t have to face him this morning. I couldn’t believe some of the things he said last night.

A distraction?

Emmy wasn’t a distraction. She wasn’t holding me back. She was the one who constantly gave me confidence. The one who could always make me laugh. I wouldn’t be where I am without her; having a job and talking to strangers. I would barely come out of my room before! Ever since she came it was like a fresh breeze swept through the house; like I could finally breathe. 

I smothered a smile as I grabbed a box of cold cereal and milk; pouring myself a bowl. Both Sam and Jules were at school and the whole house was quieter than usual. I didn’t like it. I mean, silence is always nice, but I grew to like rowdy meals and laughter. That was something Emmy had made me discover. Family is important. And you have to embrace the noise; it won’t last forever.

After breakfast I went back to my room, changing into khakis and a button up. My hand grabbed my pocket watch and wallet and I stuffed them into my pockets while heading to work. I didn’t like the idea of leaving without seeing Emmy, but what could I do? She was still asleep and I didn’t want to wake her just to see her face.

The walk to work was nice with the sun shining in the sky; it was going to rain the rest of the week so I relished the heat on my face while I could. A little ding chimed through the store as I waltzed in, feeling particularly good despite my quarrel with mum and dad last night. Mr. Grosser was already here, restocking some of the shelves and I joined him.

“Morning son.” His weathered face smiled towards me and I mirrored his expression.

“Morning Mr. Grosser.”

“Lovely day isn’t it?”

“It sure is.” I put a couple boxes of flat head screws onto the shelving unit and grabbed a few odds and ends, heading over to the cash register. We liked to keep some essentials at the front counter so we didn’t have to go traipsing through the aisles. The customer could just see what they were missing and snatch it up right there.

“How’s Emily?” I heard from a distance and a smile stretched itself across my face. I could already feel my face heating up. I despised blushing. It happened so readily for me and I couldn’t control it. As I placed work gloves in front of the counter I thought about Emmy’s beautiful hazel eyes. Everyone knew how I felt about her; it was hardly a secret.

“She’s great!” My thoughts rewound back to when we were dancing. It felt so right to have her in my arms. It was as if the whole world could collapse and I’d be fine, so long as she was here.

“That’s good to hear. I saw your mother in town yesterday and she stopped by to say hello. She needed luggage tags so I stocked her up.”

“Thanks.” I called back; glad to hear mum was able to get out of the house. She had a book club meeting once a week, but for the most part she was always at home. Sometimes it worried me but she never complained, that’s just her.

I jogged to the door and flipped the sign to open, someone already waiting at the door. “Good morning!”


I rubbed my shoulder as I locked up the store; Mr. Grosser left a half hour ago. I usually stayed a little later to sweep and make sure everything was in order for the next day. Stuffing my hands in my pockets I began to walk home. There were already some pretty gloomy clouds in the sky so I hurried. By the time I got back it was beginning to drizzle so I shook some of the water from my clothes as I stumbled inside.

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