Chapter 17~Out of Sight Out of Mind?

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My fork picked at the food on the plate in front of me. Whether my sudden loss in appetite was from my allergies or that I haven’t seen Terrence for a couple of days, I’m not sure. I caught a chunk of turkey on my fork before it flew off the table, but it didn’t make me feel any better.

What happened to the no avoiding policy?? He practically made me promise to stay in his sight, and what does he do? Disappear from mine. I suppose sulking wouldn’t solve anything, but it would make me feel better temporarily. And that’s exactly what I intend to do: sulk.

“Deary, can I get you more…potatoes?” Mrs. Holmes rubbed her eyebrow while looking at my plate and back at me with a polite smile. Everything on my plate had switched positions from my fidgeting, but nothing was eaten.

Guilt washed over me at how this must look. “N-No I’m fine.” I glanced back at my plate and then to Mrs. Holmes. “I’m sure it’s delicious. I’m just, not that hungry.”

“You’re not feeling ill, are you?” She scooted over to where Terrence would have been sitting and felt my forehead. It was bad enough he wasn’t here, but the fact he would have been sitting next to me felt like fate was rubbing my nose in it. As if saying: Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda! Sucka!

Oh the irony!

I swallowed the ball in my throat to the black vortex that was my stomach and smoothed my shirt. “I’m fine. I’m sure it’s just the allergies kicking in.”

“Do they usually start up around this time?” She looked over to Mr. Holmes out of concern. He was an average looking man. Not too plain, not too handsome. But it was evident that Terrence got many of his physical features from him. Without being able to speak I merely nodded slightly, hoping to brush this whole ordeal off.

“B-But I’ll be fine, if you don’t mind some sneezing.”

“Oh Deary,” She leaned back in her current seat. “We’ll be fine. Did you bring medication?”

I let out a deep sigh. “No, the airport security took it out of my luggage because of the weight or chemicals or something…” Thanks airport. No really, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s been my lifelong dream to have red scratchy eyes and ugly sneezing. Just think how Terrence would react if he saw my hideousness! I shudder the thought.

“That blasted airport…”

Mrs. Holmes continued to mutter a colorful string of words against the government and international traveling agencies while clearing the table. I snatched my dishware and began scrubbing them in the sink until I grabbed another glass and proceeded.

“Oh you needn’t do that!” Mrs. Holmes cried while walking my way.

“But I feel like I should. I mean, I didn’t even eat anything…” I looked down at my now soapy hands.

“Oh nonsense, let me do it.”

“No.” We both were taken back by how forward my words were. I tried to balance it with a soft expression. “You do so much already. Go watch tv or something and relax.” I placed a delicate smile on my face just to sweeten the deal.

As her expression mimicked mine she nodded slightly. “Well…alright. Thank you.”

“No problem…” Grabbing another dish, I dunked it in the soapy water and continued to scrub while everyone piled out of the kitchen; giving me space to breathe.

It may have been a roundabout way, but I was able to be by myself without questions.

A deep sigh escaped me. There was something calming about washing dishes. Like all the confusion was washed away with the grime. Some people run. I write essays, do dishes, and cook. It’s all in the task I suppose.

But this time was different. I may have been calmed but the confusion was still there. Of course I’m probably just overreacting; like usual. I should probably work on that. I could be like Benjamin Franklin and make a list of things I need to work on. Super plausible.

I finished sloshing water in the last cup and put it on the drying rack, wiping my hands off. The sound of television in the next room could be heard throughout the whole house. With a sigh I concluded to just go to my room. Maybe I could visit Terrence later…Maybe.

I took two steps inside the hallway but a burst of light flashed through my vision and a firm hand gripped my upper arm; dragging me into a room.

What the flying fart??

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