Chapter 14~Embarrassment is an Understatement

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I watched in admiration, seated on a chair flipped backwards. My arms rested on the back with my chin on top of my clasped hands. He was so calculated. So invested in the wellbeing of his objects it was sweet. He was like a dog owner, making sure everything was in its right place on the dog. And even if it were injured, he would fix it up and it would be as good as new.

We had gotten home and he changed into some dirtier clothes. After he grabbed a bunch of his old things we made our way into the garage and he got to work.

 A screwdriver was in one hand as the other held the fan down. Other tools were splayed out on the wooden table. Frayed cords coiled in all directions and there was a glint in his eyes. A sigh of contentment came out as I continued to watch him fix the old broken fan in the garage; his workshop.

A glance in my direction made a shade of pink dust his features. “W-What?”

“You remind me of a vet.” I mean what. You idiot. “I mean that’s not it. I mean you kind of do but not really. I meant to make it into a comparison. You know? The way you take care of your trinkets is like a vet. That doesn’t sound like how it’s meant.” Panic started to rise up in me and I ruffled up my hair in frustration. This always happens! I turn into a walking word vomit machine. “It’s just-you know-it-“A deep and loud chuckle came from him and I looked up, hands clutching my now frizzy hair. “What?”

“You’re just too funny.” He glanced at me before his face flamed up again and he continued his work. My thoughts immediately went back to the note he had scribbled down. You’re too funny :)

Holy Paul McCartney.  He. What. What??

My expression must have been hilarious because he continued to laugh to himself as he twisted wires into the fan.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. Let’s start over. “You really like these things don’t you?”

He uncoiled the wire and plugged it into the outlet, immediately the fan sparked to life and gave off a cool breeze. How did he do that? It probably hadn’t worked in fifty years!

“Yeah.” He gave a fond smile as he unplugged it and began wiping it down. “It’s like…what life did it live before now? You know? Who did it belong to? It’s like owning a piece of history…” He flicked and smoothed his hair out of his eyes. I sighed in admiration. I had never thought of that before. Is that why he likes antiques to much?

“That’s part of the reason. The other half is finding it.”

I could have face palmed myself. I really, really, need to work on keeping my thoughts to myself.

“Finding it is like an adventure in itself. When I said that ‘this was it’, I wasn’t literally looking for a mint green phone. I was looking for the connection, the spark. When I saw it I automatically knew that it belonged to me. That it was mine.”

He grinned and looked at me, pulling the phone out of the pile beside him. He tested to see if it worked and when it didn’t, he exchanged the phone wire. A small smile came onto his face when he heard the dial tone.

“See? It still works. Some things just don’t give up. They were made to last.” His eyes bore into mine and I felt like he was talking about the two of us. I almost hurled from the rapidness of my heart beat. At that moment I forgot how to breathe. “Come here…” Without a hesitation I got out of my chair and made my way over. What did he want? Was he going to kiss me? Emily. Don’t be stupid.

“Here.” A rag was dropped into my hand and I raised an eyebrow. “Can you wipe it down?” A small smile poked out onto his face and I realized what he was talking about.

My stomach began to churn. He wanted me around. He wanted to spend time and do something together, that alone, gave me the chills and made me giddy.

I nodded and did as he said. Layer by layer I peeled away while scrubbing. By the end, my heart clenched. I understood why he loved doing this: Refurbishing old things. Seeing the bright green shine like it was new brought a smile to my face. “It’s beautiful.” I said while staring at it.

“Isn’t it?” I looked over at him, only to see his grinning face. I could literally feel my heart stop.

You could cut the tension with a knife. That is until his cell chirps and spreads us apart, leaving us both baffled. I continued to erratically rub down the phone as he checked his own. Without being able to contain it I stole yet another glance his way. His face was bright pink and a nervous countenance took his once calm one.

“W-Who is it?” Gosh darn it. Why am I so nervous now?

“No one.” He immediately pocketed the device without replying. “Just Lucy being Lucy.”

I rose my eyebrow; curiosity digging into me. “What did she say?”

“N-N-Nothing!” Oh boy. It must have been embarrassing.

I nudged him playfully with my elbow. “Come’on. You can tell me.” I looked up at him with a small smirk; his face drained of color and I held back a laugh.

“N-No!” A small smile peaked out and that was my cue. In the blink of an eye I lunged at him. My hand tried to get into his hoodie pocket for his phone but he kept swatting it away. “I said no!” But he crumbled into laughter once I started tickling him.

“Come on! I just want a peak! What did she say??” By this time he was gasping for breath under my tickling skills.

“I-I-I’ll never tell!”

“No white flag huh?” I bit my lip to hide the smile; pretending to be serious. “I guess I’ll just have to try harder.” He was laughing hysterically.

“Please! No! No!”

“Sorry buckaroo! But there’s no match for-“ I tried lunging for his pocket once again but my foot caught against the leg of the table. We tumbled to the ground in a tangled mess; me on top of him. My mouth crashed onto his and shock filled every heartbeat. Our eyes locked; both wide with surprise. His pierced right through me and brought me back to reality. Almost immediately, I pulled away with a big gasp. That did not just happen!

Everything was borderline mortifying and I jumped up; covering my face. I peeked out only once. His face was beat red and I couldn’t even bare to look at him as he propped himself up on his elbows. “I am soooo sorry. That wasn’t supposed to-I didn’t mean to-I didn’t-I can’t-“ I stuttered and immediately shot up and ran as fast as I could away. Anywhere but here.


Without looking back, I sprinted into the house; hearing him call after me.

“Hey deary, I was just about to set the oven-“

I ran past her, still covering my face and into my room. I tried not to slam the door but everything was too much. Can one say idiot?? Because if you looked up the definition there would just be a picture of me. I mean really? It was a bad enough idea to tickle him, let alone trip and kiss him! –Even though it was all a horrible accident-. He probably thinks I’m a horrible person and should eat dust and die. I should eat dust and die. That way I wouldn’t have to face him again.

Panting for breath I dropped myself onto my bed. This couldn’t be happening.

Outside my door I heard Mrs. Holmes’ and Terrence’s voice.

“What in heaven’s name did you do to her??”

“N-Nothing. I didn’t do anything. I don’t even-I” But his voice drifted away and I assumed he went to his bedroom. I never plan on exiting my own. Ever. Again.

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