Chapter 5~Pancakes and Apologies

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A consistent rhythm of rain pounded against my window as I once again woke up. Please don’t let it be early morning…My finger pressed down on my phone and it read 10:43 AM.

An unladylike noise came out of my mouth as I turned under the covers.

“Emily Emily Emily Emily!”

Dear lord.

A small body began jumping on the bed. “Wake up wake up wake up!”

I tried to answer but it sounded more like a dying elephant from my face being pressed into the pillow. Please go away.

“It’s 10:30. Come on! You can’t sleep all day!” Oh yes I can. It’s technically 4:00 for me…

The small body tripped over my legs and ended up squishing me farther into the bed from its weight. Ow…

Peeping one eye open slightly I caught sight of a small girl. Oh yeah. I forgot there were kids in this house…What was her name again? Katie, Kathy, Chrissy?

Clearing my throat so I didn’t sound like a drunken goat I opened my mouth to speak. “W-What was your name again?” I hope she isn’t insulted..

“Julia!” She exclaimed with a grin. I was close enough…

“Right. Um...Julia could you maybe get off of me?”

“Oh!” I suppose I should get up anyways if I’m to ever adjust to the time difference. Her weight was immediately lifted off of me and a panting girl came rushing through the door frame.

“I’m so sorry! She’s been bugging to see you all morning. I tried to catch her but she’s fast…”

I plastered a sad attempt of a smile on my face. “It’s ok. I was getting up anyways…”

The girl gave a knowing smile and gripped her sister’s arm, dragging her out of the room.

“Argphhhh!” I smushed my face into the pillow while grunting. My life. Dragging my feet onto the cold floor I snatched a random outfit from my suitcase and headed to the bathroom. Heat. I need heat. My hands shoved the mane on top of my head into a ponytail. The faucet made the water hot instantly and I almost burned myself while splashing it onto my skin. I once read that when you wash your face you’re supposed to use hot water at night and cold water in the morning. I don’t know what the difference is but I can’t take cold water right now.

My hands blindly searched and grabbed a towel from the basket, patting my face dry. I stripped and changed into clean clothes. The shower last night made me feel fresh so I didn’t bother doing anything this morning except sprits body spray on. I can’t go anywhere anyways. It’s raining cats and dogs and maybe a bird here and there.

Hopefully the dark circles under my eyes weren’t as noticeable to other people as they were to me because I feel like a zombie. I made my way out of the bathroom and shuffled on a pair of socks, heading out of my new sanctuary.

“Ah I see you’re up!” As I climbed up the stairs Mrs. Holmes noticed my presence.

“Yeah…Sorry if it’s a bit late. In my time I shouldn’t even be awake. Heh...” A nervous laugh randomly came out. I hope she doesn’t think I’m a freak for giving her a hug last night.

“It’s quite alright. Sit down and have some breakfast.” Her head nodded over to the table set up with a small variety of food on it. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just put a few things out. If you want though I can make some eggs or even pancakes. I know the girls would love that.” A small smile splashed onto her face as she wiped her hands off on a towel; the dish she was washing was now clean. Hmmm she either doesn’t remember or is choosing not to bring up the hug. I’m not arguing.

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