Chapter 28~One Thing Left To Do

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I stretched each limb while lying in bed and found a small grin on my face. With my left hand I touched my mouth and noticed the upward curves. Last night had felt like a wonderful dream; like it hadn’t really happened and all I was left with was a footprint of some surreal memory.

Terrence felt the same way I do. And that’s all there is to it.

I flicked my wrist towards me and noticed the late time. I couldn’t seem to fall asleep last night and by the time I did, it was well past midnight. During the summer my schedule had adjusted. I went to bed and woke up earlier than I usually would. But right now I was exhausted. Exhausted and on cloud nine. I could just feel the dark circles under my eyes and I didn’t want to look in the mirror.

With as much effort as I could muster I pulled myself out of bed and into a warm shower. The hot water felt good on my goose-bumped skin. During the summer I would always get chilly with the air conditioning and I never realized how cold I was until I went into the shower. Strange how that works, huh?

Anyways, I pulled on a pair of snug jeans and my old flannel. After tucking some fluffy socks on my feet I headed out of my room to search for some food.

“Good morning Deary!” Mrs. Holmes’ cordial smile made me feel warm inside and I slid into one of the wood chairs by our table. “How many pancakes would you like?”

I felt a sense of Déjà vu as I leaned forward to glance at the stove. “Just three.” I smiled towards her and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

“The girls went to their first day of school, so you won’t see them today.”

School? “But it’s only the 1st of August. They start that early?” I took a sip of my juice and tried to think through what she was saying.

“Yes. Well, the school we send them to starts early. But their summer break begins earlier than others. So it all balances out.”

“Ah…” I felt conversation die in my throat and I just sat there until the pancakes were ready. Breakfast was quieter than normal with the girls gone, and more awkward. Terrence had surfaced from his room and sat down across from me. I had to stifle a smile; his bed hair was so funny to look at. It was usually messy, but in the morning it just gave off an untamed vibe. But with Mrs. Holmes sitting in between us we made for an awkward pair.

“I-I’ll be going into town for some shopping. Did you want to come?” It felt as though I was speaking to the two of them, even though my eyes were looking at Terrence.

How awkward can you get?

He nodded with a smile. “Sure. I’ll be ready in just a tick.” I watched as he got up and headed to his room, leaving Mrs. Holmes and I alone once more.

“Well. I suppose I’d better get these cleaned up.”

Oh Mrs. Holmes, what a sweetheart.

“No I’ll get them. You can go to other chores.”

She looked hesitant for a moment but gave a thoughtful look I knew was artificial. “Well, I do have some gardening to do…” And with that she was gone.

The syrup was a little hard to get off, but once I turned the water hotter it helped tremendously.

“You ready?” I felt his presence enter the room and I smiled back at him, right as I was drying the last plate.

“Sure. Just let me get my purse.” I glanced over my shoulder while jogging down the steps and snatched my small bag off the bed post.


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