Chapter 7~Raindrops on Goosebumps

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It had been one grueling week since I "talked" to Terrence. Every day I would wake up at an earlier and earlier hour, since I was now beginning to get accustomed to the time difference. I would eat, and watch the TV. But every time I would remember his door was just a pace away. I would read a book and remember the shelves in his room. I would pick up a notepad and remember his handwriting. I kept telling myself I was being ridiculous; pining away for a stranger. But I couldn't help it. Everything I saw reminded me of him. My phone chimed so I rolled over -nearly off the bed- and looked down at it. Why don't you call?  A groan escaped my lips and my hand clenched into a fist. I hated it. I hated that I couldn't see or think of my mother without feeling anger bubble inside of me. She was my mother. But then why do I feel so betrayed?

 My dad didn't even attempt to text or call, and for that I was grateful. I don't want to know what would happen. It was him who drove away. He never took responsibility for his immature actions. No wonder my mom wanted out...And yet, sometimes a thought would flash through my mind. Maybe I could have done something different. Maybe I could have studied harder, or stayed out of their hair more. But I did everything they asked without question. Even when I wanted to go out with my miniscule social circle I didn’t get angry when they would tell me to stay home. Grumble and hide under the covers, yes. But not talk back. I would always have to create some lame excuse as to my absence, sometimes I believed they second guessed me. But I would always promise I wanted to hang out.

This would put their minds at ease for some reason…until the next batch of excuses came their way.

My phone chimed again and I looked down while puffing out air through my mouth.

Are you there?

“No I’m not.” I nearly yelled.

Taking the back off of my cell, I disconnected the battery and chucked it against the bed. Even though it merely bounced I still felt satisfaction for throwing something. –Petty, I know- But still satisfying.

Without thinking I shoved my feet into a pair of boots, shrugged on a sweater and stormed out of my room. “I need to get away.” I kept repeating. “I just need to get away.” Taking the stairs by two I went into the kitchen.

“Hey Deary. What did you want for su-“

But before she could finish I opened the door and walked outside. I just need to get away…

My hands scrubbed my face for a good minute before I ran off in some aimless direction. Bubbles of acid began churning in my stomach and I had to take deep breaths so I didn’t hurl all over myself.

I didn’t need it. I didn’t need all the pestering. I understand my mom craving to stay connected but I don’t want that. She sent me away so I didn’t have to be involved and see everything. I don’t have any desire to talk to her. I want space. I want to be able to breathe again. I want peace. Is that too much to ask?? Just a little peace for once? I could still hear the screaming matches in my head. The crashing plates and toppled over chairs. Every time I thought of my mom it would all come piling onto me again. I don’t want to even think about it, the thought makes my heart constrict uncomfortably.   

Before I knew it I was huffing and puffing, reaching out and grabbing a tree for support. My lungs were on fire and I had to stop for a break.

 It started as a few drops here and there, but then rain began to come down in heavy blankets. Brilliant. Just what I need. I breathed in and out to calm myself down.

 In the beginning the rain stung. Like a hundred bees stinging me through the fabric of my sweater. But I stood there for a minute. And then another. My eyes closed shut and I began to relax. The pelts of rain started to feel numbing and my mind was a bit hazy, as if fog were drifting over my brain; cluttering my thoughts and abilities. I was a statue, just letting the rain pour over me, numbing me to the core.

I opened my eyes once I felt the rain cease. That…

I let out a shaky breath and it looked like ice, seeping out of my mouth. My hand was held out but nothing came, nothing touched it. Goosebumps rose on my arms and the back of my neck. Every hair was on edge; there was someone behind me.

Blahhh. This is so short. But I'm satisfied with it. I was going to write more but I thought a cliffhanger was just what the doctor ordered. ;) I think it was important that Emily get heard, at least a little. *Sigh* I think rain is so romantic. Also! I actually have a poem about rain because over the course of this spring I became madly obsessed with it. Anywho, check it out! I'm also going to try my darndest to set a schedule and update once a week, Sunday nights being my writing time. Thank god I got over that brain constipation. XP Hahahaa so anyways. Vote (As always if you wish. No pressure) and comment! I love to hear from the few and beautiful who are actually reading this little story of mine. Anywho! Live long and perspire!!! TTFN Home-Slices!!

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