Chapter 9~Illnesses and Memories

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It’s official. I’m a baboon. A hopeless and completely idiotic baboon. No offence to you guys or anything, but at this moment I am classifying myself as one.

At this moment the space heater is on full blast while I am huddled under my covers, my favorite blanket, and another heavy blanket Mrs. Holmes gave me. Did I fail to mention I have a sore throat and cold? Because I do.

I sighed dramatically and blew my nose for the umpteenth time today, making it uncomfortably raw and chafed. Ew. Fart bubbles! I should have never kept those stupid wet clothes on! Now look at me, a pitiful mess.

I almost didn’t hear the knock on the door while I was wallowing in self-pity. But the door opened nonetheless and in walked Mrs. Holmes.

“I thought you should eat something…” In her hands was a tray with a bowl and a cup of something.

“Thanks.” I croaked out, sounding like a tone-deaf frog. Brilliant.

She placed the tray by the end of the bed and with a smile, retreated from the room. “We’re trying to keep the girls out as much as possible.” And with that she left.

We? Does that include Terrence? I could burst into tears at just the thought. Maybe that was a slight exaggeration but still. Here I sat with a horrendous cold and a large pimple on my face when I could have been out there eating lunch with him. Aren’t I so smart to get myself in this situation?

Ugh. I bent over and dragged the tray to me. As cliché as it is, there was a bowl of chicken dumpling soup and a mug of tea. I nearly burned my tongue off from the soup but it was worth it. Nothing. And I mean nothing came close to this stuff. Not even my great aunt’s and she had our secret family recipe which she refused to share. Ridiculous.

The tea tasted more like dirt and grass but I guess it should help with the whole sore throat fiasco. My mind kept going back to Terrence and it was, to say the least, unhealthy.

Snatching my phone from the nightstand I called my best friend, hoping to get my mind off of everything. And by everything I mean Terrence.

Her phone continued to ring and I almost thought she wasn’t going to pick up, until I heard a click.

“Heyyy girly!” She cried out.

“Hey Lyds.” Her real name is Lydia but it’s too long so I just call her Lyds.

“How do you like the UK huh?” I heard shuffling and papers flying against each other.

“It’s alright. But it’s been raining a lot.” I immediately thought of yesterday when Terrence saved me. Well maybe not saved me, but helped. Shaking my head I tried to stay plugged into the conversation. “What are you doing?”

A loud grunt came from her end and it was the I-don’t-want-to-talk-about-it-but-I-want-to-vent grunt. “Apparently I failed my history class so I have to do summer school.”

My eyes widened in surprise and my foot slid the tray a little farther away. “But that’s your favorite subject! How did you fail it??”

She gave a pitiful whimper. “I couldn’t help it. There was this really cute guy sitting two seats away. It was just too dang hard to pay attention!” I could just imagine her pouting.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little. Lydia was somewhat boy crazy. Not too obsessively, but certainly more than me. We had known each other since 6th grade and the longest she’s ever held onto a crush is a year.

“Oh really? What did he look like?” This was the point in the conversation where I relinquished speaking rights over to her.

Clearing her throat she began. “Well for starters he has this awesome tan. His hair is like, super curly and blonde. He’s so cute! I think he might be on the football team. I’m not sure.” Again, I could imagine her thinking really hard with her hand under her chin. “If not then he should be. The dude has muscles! And his eyes Em. His eyes.” My heart nearly stopped when I pictured chocolaty brown ones. “They’re so blue I could swim in them!” She cried. Not helping Lyds. Not helping. “I think you would like him if you saw him. He’s pretty smart too which I know you always obsess over.” I could practically hear her eyes roll.

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