Chapter 18~Houses and Trees

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My first instinct was to kick and scream like my life depended on it, but that seemed a bit much. So I blindly punched straight ahead and hoped for the best, which was mildly less destructive.

“Ouch Emmy! That hurt!” His thick accent sounded harsh and in pain. I cracked an eye open and found him rubbing his upper arm. Woops…

“Well then why did you drag me into a closet for Pete’s sake?!” My defenses were rising and I was trying to justify my instinctive reaction. If I were being honest with myself I would allow that I overreacted. But in that split moment my life was the only thing that mattered.

“What closet?? This is my room.” He said exasperatedly and I looked around. Sure as the sun will rise, the shadows and antiques gave way to his reply. It was his bedroom.

“Well-Well how the heck should I know??” I threw my arms up dramatically, trying to find some sort of explanation to my wild behavior. “Someone yanks me into a dark room, what am I supposed to think??” I crossed my arms but silence was the only reply. I looked up, face still red, and saw his smirking features.

“You thought I was a robber?” His eyebrow twitched in amusement.

“O-Or worse…”

“Pew pew.” He pointed his fingers as if they were a gun and he broke out in laughter. I could feel more heat rise to my face. It’s not that out there. My reflexes are kind of delayed and I can’t think properly when being dragged around. Or maybe it was his aura that was clouding my judgment. Either way, it was hard to function.

His smirk deepened and he crossed his arms as well.

“Well…Maybe I jumped the gun a little.”

He scoffed. “A little?”

“A little.” I confirmed and held my forefinger and thumb in an inch’s measurement.

He rolled his eyes, still smiling and sat down in his wing back chair. My subconscious begged for his presence to I followed, sitting on the side of his bed. “Well.” He began and crossed his ankle over his knee. “The reason I ‘dragged’” He used air quotes, “You into my room was because I had an idea.”

My curiosity was peeked and I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees.

“I thought, maybe, you and I could build a tree house.” A broad smile crept onto his face like he was the treasurer of good ideas.

“A tree house?” I questioned. It’s not that I don’t like the idea, quite the opposite. It could be our hide out or something and I would feel like I was twelve again. But where would we get the supplies? Did they even have a sufficient tree?

“A tree house.” He confirmed. “We have this one great big oak I think would be perfect.” His eyes lit up like a five year old’s and I couldn’t suppress a small grin from popping up.

“How long have you been planning this?”

A small blush crept across his pale skin and he glanced down for a moment. “Well when I was younger my dad wouldn’t let me because he was too busy to help. But now that I’m older I figured I could do it alone.”

“But you wouldn’t be alone.” I speculated, a small smile grazing my mouth.

“I know.” He nodded. “I figured we could do it together or something…”

My smile grew wider and goofier. He wanted to share one of his dreams with me. Maybe I dramatized it a little, but it was kind of true. Something he’s wanted to do for a long time and now he wants to do it with me. He watched for my reaction, eyes full of anticipation.

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