Chapter 2

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"Hmm, yes. Would you like to know what the job is?" He said as he played with the blade of his knife.
"Obviously" I said. The curiosity was clear in my voice.
"I want you to join me." He said bluntly as he stared into my eyes. He looked like he was waiting for me to say no. How could I say no? But should I say yes? If I say no he could kill me. But if I say yes this might just be a trick. My mind was racing all at once. I wanted to say yes but I knew that I shouldn't.

"What are your terms?" I said seriously.

"Well if you were to join me, I promise you money and I offer you company. Because I know how alone you really are back at home. Hm? And I give you a life free of Boredom", he said as he clicked his tongue.

"Oh yes and in order for you to join me. Imma need you to look the part." He said as he looked me up and down.

"What exactly will I have to wear " I asked, sounding bored.

"It's not what you will wear. You don't have to wear anything if you don't want to", he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"You're gonna need to look like a female version of me. Scars and all." He said. He looked amused. I've already tried to cut scars on myself. Part of my head said that it would be an honour if he cut the scars. But the other part of my head said that this isn't right.
"This isn't a joke, is it?" I said.
"No, but it would be funny if it was." He smiled.
"I don't have all day." He pointed out, checking his non-existent watch.
"Fine" I said. I was scared at that point. I was second guessing myself. My answer popped out. But I knew that my answer was correct, to me at least.
"So. Who's gonna cut the scars? You or me?" He smiled psychotically. I sat there silently. I wouldn't be able to. Not if I'm sober.

"Times up! I'll do it." He said exitedly taking his small knife in hand. I was partly relieved that he was going to do it. It's like getting a needle. When you're in line to get it, you're scared. But when you're in the seat and they're about to stick a needle in your arm, you know it's going to be over soon.

"Mm. Ready Mavy?" He giggled, sticking the blade in my mouth before I could answer. Mavy? Who is Mavy?

"Oh, by the way. I think I like the name Mavis for you. It's nice, isn't it?" He rambled as he cut one side of my mouth. It was so painful that my cheek went numb. I tried to scream but he put his hand over my mouth making my new wound sting.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He said as he giggled.

"Now for the other side." He never lost his smile. A tear escaped my eye. when he saw my tear he stared at me angrily.

"No, no, no, no, no. You can't cry when you get a little cut now can you? hmm?", He went on to the other side of my mouth. This time I knew what I was going to feel, so it became less of a shock. I felt blood drip down my cheek and down my neck.

"Now for stitches." He said, sounding excited. I watched him pick up a needle and clear thread. He knew I was going to say yes. That's why he brought all of this.

"🎶 kadink, kadink, kadink. La di da di da di dum🎶" He sang as he stitched my mouth. I felt like i was one of those dolls on the movie Coraline, being cut and stitched into someone else. When he was done, he got a wipe and cleaned the blood from my face and neck.

"You look way better than you did before" he said, clearly proud of his work. I tried to talk but it felt like someone poured vinegar all over the open wounds, so I quickly stopped.
"It heals fast, don't worry." he said.

"Now onto the next part of your transformation" He smiled. He handed me an outfit; it looked amazing. It was a female version of his outfit, though I think it looked better than his outfit.
The outfit had a green button up shirt, a green tie, a purple vest, a short blue pencil skirt, and purple, yellow and green striped socks that went up to my thighs with purple garters connecting my socks to my skirt and of course to complete the look, the purple gloves. I checked for a brand name but couldn't find any.

"Hand made." He grinned. I forced myself to talk, - after all I guess I have to get used to pain from now on since I am joining the most dangerous man in Gotham.

"It's amazing" I gasped. It hurt to talk but I got used to it.

"Can I trust you to get changed without trying anything?" He asked.

"As long as you don't look at me while I'm getting changed" I raised my eyebrows. He untied me and turned around so he couldn't see me. The clothing was a perfect fit.

"Now. Time to cause some chaos" he said as he giggled and handed me a hand gun.

"But first we needa get out of here." He clicked his tongue as he opened the door, the white light shocking my eyes. I was excited but nervous at the same time. I knew that this was going to be the most fun I've had in years.

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