Chapter 9

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"Can you shut him up?", the joker growled as we drove through gotham city to the hotel that he was talking about.

"Sure thing", i sighed as i climbed into the back of the car, making sure i didnt hit my head.

"Shut up!", i shout, hitting the car seat.

"Or im gonna have to shut you up myself and we wouldnt wanna make a mess of j's new car would we?", i growled. I climbed back into the front passanger seat.

"Well done", the joker said seriously as he focused on the road.

"Im gonna have to stitch you up again when we get there", J sighed. Oh yeah I forgot. Batman split my wound open by punching me in the face when he was interrogating me.

"Yeah", I replied. We drove for a few minutes out of the city and came across a old hotel. It looked like it had 10 floors and it was pretty wide. It was red brick with two glass framed doors out front. A sign next to the door read 'HOTEL'. There were 15 windows on each level. Outside, there were trees surrounding the building and only 3 cars were parked outside.

"And we're here", the joker said in a husky voice. The hotel had a lonely feeling, like everyone had forgotten it.

The joker parked the car next to a giant tree. We both got out of the car and stood there for 5 seconds just staring at the building. the joker started walking to the front door.

"What about doc?", I asked, still standing there.

"Uhh yes. Professor arkham", he said, walking back to the car confidently.

"Theres a machine gun in the back seat.", the joker said gesturing to the car. I opened the door and stretched over and grabbed the gun. There were many more guns in the back seat, we would probably be needing them.

"Here", I said, handing it over to him. he took it confidently, opened the boot and knocked Arkham out by hitting him with the gun.

"We're gonna need to carry him in", the joker said, putting one of Arkham's arms around his shoulders. I walked over to help and we carried him to the front door of the hotel.

When we walked in we were greeted by silence and a stale smell. The reception room had red carpets and black Leather couches that sat in the middle of the room at awkward angles and stairs going up to what looked like a bar.

We dragged Arkham to the reception desk. An old woman with huge glasses sat there typing away on an old computer. The joker rang a small bell that was on the counter rather aggressively.The woman finally noted our presents.

"How long will you be staying?", she said in a bored voice, still typing on her computer and not looking away from the screen.

"Oh I dont know. Maybe we will live here", the joker giggled. The woman finally looked at us and as she was about to scream, j shot her with the machine gun. The woman still remained in her chair but she was hunched over and blood was streaming out from her head.

"How rude was she?", the joker said, pretending to be shocked.

"Hold doc for a sec", joker said, just dumping Arkham on me. The joker slid over the counter and behind the desk , knocking things over like brochures and cards along the way.

J dragged the woman under the desk so she was out of view and grabbed a random key from a drawer.

"We're in room 4479", the joker said as he read the number attached the the key chain.

"Thats a lot of rooms for a hotel like this", I said, looking around at all the decor.

"Well it used to be popular until the killings", the joker said casually, sliding back over the counter.

"What killings?", I asked, letting the joker help me with Doc again.

"Oh well, lets just say some guests woke up with less limbs than they should have had", the joker replied, dragging arkham and I to the elevator.

J punched in the floor number and up we went to floor 9. When the elevator doors opened, the hall smelt more stale than Downstairs. The carpet in the hall was red and the walls were white with some brown stains on the wall.

"And now look at this place, seems like only the dead live here now", the joker giggled. The joker mumbled the room numbers we passed until we finally found our room.

"Are you ready for the magic?", J said licking his lips. He opened the door before I could reply. The hotel room wasnt a room It was a penthouse and it sure looks like its been taken care of pretty well. The floors were a shiny slate tile and the walls were a light Grey. There were huge windows along the wall. The penthouse had no furnature but it was amazing anyway. There was a modern kitchen with a red feature wall and also a modern bathroom with white subway tiles running along the walls.

"We're gonna need a chair", the joker said, dumping Arkham down against the wall before walking casually out the room. I dropped the bag containing our money, makeup, some spare guns and duct tape. The joker seemed so casual about it all, like he's done this a million times.

j came back with a white wood chair and put it down in the middle of the room. He then grabbed doc by the arm and dumped him into the chair. Arkham was still unconscious and he was flopping all over the place.

"Hold him still", the joker said, opening the bag of belongings and taking the duct tape.

"Not like he can really go anywhere right now", I said. The joker ignored me and wrapped duct tape around Doc and the chair about a million times, which by the way, used up a whole role of duct tape. Then he stuck duct tape over Arkams mouth.

After all that, J stitched my mouth again while humming a song and pulled the bullet out from my arm and stitched that too. It was really painful but I sucked it up. we both redid our makeup in the bathroom silently. I watched how he did it and copied it on my face. When we were done we went back into the living room to check on Doc.

"Hmm, be right back", J said walking out of the room once again. This time he came back with a glass of water. He casually walked up to doc and tipped its contents all over docs head and ripped the duct tape off his mouth. Arkham slowley came to, he was very confused.

"What... Where...", he mumbled along with other unrecognizable words.

"Evening Doc", the joker said, leaning against a glass wall that separated the living room from the kitchen.

"Ugh, hello again", Arkham said sarcastically.

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