chapter 3

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As we walked out of what seemed to be the storage room, I saw a few bodies on the floor. They had been shot by the joker on the way in and their blood was still leaking out onto the floor. It was quite a messy situation.

"You know how hard it is to take down fifteen guards while carrying someone over your shoulder?" Joker said as he stepped over another dead body.

"i bet it wasn't that hard for you, Joker" I said, managing a smile. Shit it hurt to talk. I lifted the hem of my long coat as I stepped over a pool of blood.

"You can just call me J." He offered. I didn't know if he was flirting with me because I couldn't see his face, but I doubted it. We walked down another white-walled hallway until we saw the exit.
Arkham looked empty until 7 or so guards showed up and started shooting at us, and it was only then that I realized that I had never shot a gun before.
The Joker and I hid behind a wall as the guards continued to try and shoot us.

"J I have something to tell you" I shouted over the gun fire.

"Mavis, if you're pregnant it can wait..." he said as he continued to shoot the guards.

"Of course not. I've never used a gun before" I said tentatively, waiting for a reaction.

"Not even once?" He looked shocked, as he checked the exit to see if all the guards were on the ground.

"Nope, not even once." I confirmed as i followed him to the glass door, which happened to be the exit.

"Well, you're in for a treat. I suppose I'll have to teach you." He said as he held the door open for me, then followed me by skipping and humming a song.

"Time to head home. You like my car?" the Joker asked as he smacked his lips. I glanced over at the car. It was black and white with red and blue lights on the top.

"Where did you get a cop car?" I asked. It was a pretty good way to blend in since we will probably be driving past lots of cop cars because of the Joker's victims inside Arkham asylum.

"Oh, just something I had lying around", he shrugged the question off casually as he opened the door and got in the car. He started playing with the sirens which made me roll my eyes. I opened the car door and sat in the soft, black seat.

"So where exactly is home?" I asked. I wasn't sure if he meant his home or my home. Although my home never really felt like home to me.

"Well my home of course. Unless you wanna stay in that rotting apartment of yours." He said. He was clearly focusing on the road.

"You have a house?" I asked. I couldn't imagine the Joker living in a ordinary home. It just wasn't him.

"Well it's not exactly a house. It's an old abandoned building. But I made it look better." He said, as he watched yet again another cop car rushing to Arkham.

"So don't worry princess, it ain't a dump anymore", he smirked.

"Don't call me a pri-" I got cut off by the cop radio. The voice sounded like a woman.

"We checked the surveillance cameras and there seems to be someone working with the Joker".

The Joker and I looked at each other our expressions both saying one thing - 'oh well'.

"I wanna listen to the radio" he said as he switched on the radio. The first song that we heard was Poker Face by Lady Gaga, which the joker quickly changed to 'joker face'.

"J-j-j-joker face j-j-joker face" he sang.
"It's a better version of the song, don't you think?" He said. More cop cars kept driving past. The Joker had been hunted for months and still the cops haven't caught him.

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