chapter 5

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"Mavis", the joker tried to get my attension but i couldnt stop.

"Mavis!", he shout to me and i snapped out of it. i just stood there staring at him. he slowely took the gun off of me.
"you have lost your gun privileges. one shot for each person would have been fine", he teased.

"sorry", I hung my head.
"eh, its no problem. i have plenty of bullets for you anyway", he said as he walked towards the cop car.
"where are you going?", i asked confused.
"we were gonna rob a bank remember?", he smirked as he opened the car door and got in as he hummed another song. i climbed in after him.

"I already put bags for the money in the back and some spare guns. Im gonna have a hand gun and a shot gun and you will have a hand gun and a machine gun", he confirmed as we drove out onto the road again.

when we got to gotham bank we parked our car not too long away so that no one could track us and our car down.

"now when we go in i want you to shout at everyone to put there hands up and get onto the ground. ok?", he ran in the bank before I could reply.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND GET ON THE GROUND", I shouted as the joker shot his shot gun at the roof. I saw everyone do as I said.

"some of my friends are gonna help us out", the joker whispered to me. friends? I doubt that. they are probably mob members he ripped off again.

I did what the joker told me to do in the car, I took a bag and I told a lady at the desk to put all the money in it. We needed at least 6 bags to put the money in. my heart was pumping, this was so exiting.
I saw that some men in masks came into the bank and started helping us carry the cash.

"Ever used one of these?" the joker asked as he pulled a grenade out of his coat pocket.

"nope", I replied.
"oh its simple", the joker explained to me how to use it.
when he counted down from 3 me and him threw a grenade each into the bank. The explosion knocked us both over and caused alot of smoke and for a while we both lay there laughing.

As we got up, ready to head for the exit, we saw a dark shadow through the smoke. the joker growled, "he always has to ruin my plans".
"nice of you to join us Bats, you were a little late. Do you spend too long in your cave that you dont even know what the time is anymore?", the joker teased. "or maybe you were buisy with Rachael", the joker mocked. Batman ran at the joker, his face was angry and his cape was flying behind him.
"go ahead hit me!", shout the joker as Batman tackled him to the ground.
when they were buisy beating each other to a pulp the joker shouted to me to go to the car. so I took a bag of money and I ran the the car.
As I waited in the car I saw the joker behind me waving his hands around frantically with a big smile on his face.
"start the car! start the car!" the joker shouted.
I saw Batman chasing after him, though he looked like he was stumbling around a bit.
I quickly switched to the passenger side of the car and the joker jumped into the car starting it imediatly even though the door was still open.
We sped through the city, with Batman on his motorbike and the cops chasing us.
The joker pulled into a empty parking lot and sped to the top floor as fast as he could. the top floor was high up so I couldnt see how we would get down.
When we reached the top of the parking lot, Batman and the cops were fairly behind us.
"grab one of the money bags", the joker commanded.
"we only have one", I said.
the joker growled "the mob must have stolen the rest".
"how do we get down?" I asked.
"tie the bag around you", he commanded.
"now hold onto me", he demanded.
I hesitated at first but I did as he said. He started running towards the edge of the building leaving me with no choice but to run with him and I screamed as he jumped off the ledge with me holding onto him. when we were fairly close the the ground a car drove under us and we landed onto the top of the car. My whole body ached but it was so fun.
"how did you know the car would come", I asked the joker, who just lay on the car smiling.
"I didnt, I just jumped", and he broke out into an hysterical laughing fit. I laughed with him.

The driver got out of the car to see what was going on since we left a huge dent in his car roof. He was a big man who was mostly bald.
"what did you do to my car?!", he shout. but when he saw the joker, he ran screaming. The joker just stared as the man ran off into the park that was infront of us.
"well I guess he wouldn't mind if we borrowed his car then?", the joker smirked.
"I guess not", I laughed.

On the ride home the joker was telling me what happened between him and Batman in the bank and apparently the joker stabbed Batman in the leg, that's why bats was limping, which gave the joker a chance to escape.

Sure, getting more money was pretty good, but robbing is really fun especially when it involves jumping off buildings and onto cars.

As we rode home we turned up the radio loud as the song 'crazy by Gnarls Barkley' came on. We both sang as Loud as we could. The joker wasnt the best at singing but then again neither was I, so we just had fun. The joker kept humming the song when we got home, we both had it stuck in our heads.

"So, how much did we get?", I asked. the joker was buisy counting the money.

"about two million", he replied casually as he dumped all the cash on the huge pile of money he has on floor three. My jaw dropped.

"That much in one bag?", I gasped in dismay.

"yeah. but the mob stole the rest", he said seriously.

"Today was fun", I said with a smile. It still hurt to smile. He just nodded in responce. I guess when youve done something so many times, it looses its fun.

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