Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning with the unwelcoming sound of sirens. Fuck its the cops. I thought. I saw the joker casually reading his newspaper on the kitchen table again. I ran over to him, hunched over to make sure the cops couldnt see me.

"What are you doing", i hissed.

"Uh. Reading", he said with a confused look on his face.

"We have the building surrounded, come out now and put your weapons down", a cop shouted into loudspeaker.

"Mavis ive taught you how to aim a gun but i havn't taught you how to break out of jail", he said raising his eyebrows as he put the newspaper down.

"And it will be useful", he said, licking his lips.

"So whats the plan", i asked.

"There is no plan. You have to figure this out yourself", he said.

"I will come save you if you manage to stay there longer than needed", he sighed.

I had a few thoughts on how to escape, this could be fun and interesting.

"You will probably be able to break out, its hard but its not impossible", he said clicking his tongue.

"Ok", I said. All of a sudden I heard a crash and saw the FBI smash into the room through the windows. I casually sat on the kitchen table with the joker. We both put our hands up, smirking.

"You are under arrest for murder and robbery", one of the FBI agents said to me. Well it could be worst, I could have gotten an award for helping someone, now that my friend is torture.

The FBI dragged us out of the building and to the cops, where they handcuffed us. Then I walked past a man ive seen once before, he was the commissioner, Gordon was his name.

"I dont like it, they gave themselves up so willingly", I heard him say to another cop as I walked past him.

The cops put the joker and I in seperate cars. I saw the joker as our cars passed, heading out onto the road. He was just smirking out of the window.

We ended up going to the police station and staying in Gordans cage. The joker and I where in different cages, but we were sitting back to back, the bars in between us. we were forced to empty our pockets so all our weapons were gone, all my knives and gun were now in Gordans hands.

"How did they find us", I whispered to the joker.

"I kidnapped a woman and told her to call the cops and tell them our address then I killed her", he whispered back.

"All we have to do is wait until they put us into arkham. Or you could get us out of this now. You choose.", he whispered.

"But remember im not helping unless I absolutely have to", he whispered, I could tell he was smirking.

Gordon emerged infront of me, "we are going to interview you now Raven". He took my arm and led me over to the interrogation room, I looked back at the joker who gave me a confident wink.

Gordon sat me down in the chair and handcuffed me to the table. Then he sat infront of me.

"It sucks to say but, welcome back", he said, with a worried look. I remember him arresting me the day I killed my parents, he was only a cop in training then, but apparently he was one of the best.

"Im so glad to be back", I said sarcastically.

"Miss me Gordan?", I smirked, my head down but my eyes looking up at him. He cleared his throat.

"Why did you kill those people", he asked seriously.

I licked my lips, "because I was bored, plus I had to learn how to shoot some how didnt I?".

I knew people were afraid of crazy people, that's why I was going to use it to my advantage, to scare him.

"You dont have to go along this road Rav-", I hit my fist as hard as I could on the table causing a huge bang which made him jump.

"That isn't my name", I growled, I felt a drip of blood go down my cheek, my wound still hasn't fully healed.

"Thats my old name, the name of a girl who was bored living like everyone else. This world is cruel, its only fair if im cruel along with it.", I hissed.

"How did you find the joker", he said seriously.

"He found me", I smirked at the memory.

"How?", he asked.

"Maybe your little cop friends can tell you, since you trust them so much", I smirked.

I knew this is how to distract them, by turning them all on themselves. He looked worried.

"Its amazing what people do for money. hmm?", I tapped my finger on the metal table.

"We can't progress like this", he said, getting up and going out the door.

I sat in the room, looking at my handcuffed hands. When I looked up I saw him. Black mask, black suit, black cape. Im sure you all know who he is. Batman was standing Infront of me.

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