Chapter 7

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Batman sat infront of me, his face expressionless. This could be fun.

"Why hello there bats. Hows Rachael?", I teased. I knew Rachael was dead but it didnt happen that long ago, the memory is still fresh in his mind.

"I have no time for your games, Mavis", he hissed.

"Oh no,no,no. Im not playing games b, although, this is rather fun", I smirked. he took my cuffs off and i rubbed my sore wrists.

"What do you know about the joker?", he growled.

"I know that he knows who you are.", I smirked.

"Then why is he trying so hard to get me to turn myself in", he growled.

"Hes the joker, he asks questions he already knows the answers to. Its a game he plays", I smirked. I stood up.

"Would you all like to know who Batman really is?", I asked looking at the mirrors on the wall. I knew the cops were there, watching. Batman got up and pushed me into the wall behind me, causing me to giggle.

"Would you really kill someone just so your identity could stay hidden? Jeeze bats", I pretended to be shocked.

"That makes me wonder if you have killed anyone to keep it a secret", I giggled.

No I dont actually know who Batman really is. Im just trying to mislead the cops into thinking that maybe Batman has killed people just for his benefit, which does sound like something a criminal would do. Batman sped towards me, anger on his face.

"Now hold on. You wouldnt punch a girl would you?", I giggled. With a fast swing Batman punched me in the cheek, ripping my left wound open, causing blood to drip down my cheek. I fell to the ground. I growled but giggled after.

"So this is the way you threaten people, doesn't that seem like something a criminal would do?", I giggled. He kicked me in the side, causing a ache to spread across my side.

"If only you could see how much you are like him", I giggled. Batman picked me up by my blue button up shirt collar, causing my neck to hurt.

"We are not the same", he growled at me.

"I can see you ending up like him, just like Harvey did. Harvey was a hero and look what happened to him, he turned into the villain", I spat, laughing hysterically despite the pain.

"I wont end up like Harvey did", he growled.

"I bet he convinced himself that he too wouldnt end up the villian", I licked my lips and giggled. Batman looked angry but dropped me and raced out the room, his coat floating behind him.
I propped my self against the white brick wall laughing to myself.

I hope that what I said was enough to make the cops question the Batman way of doing things, or question Batman altogether. If I turn the cops against Batman, it wont only be the joker chasing him.

Gordan walked back into the room, picked me up by the arm, handcuffed me and brought me out of the interrogation room. All of a sudden I saw a table with lots of weapons on it up ahead. I pretended not to see it. Gordan dragged me past it but I quickly got out of his grip and grabbed a machine gun.

"Dont move", I shouted at the cops. One cop ran towards me and I tried to shoot but there was no ammo.

"Shit. could you please just give me a minute", I growled, reaching for the ammo but the cops took the gun off me and pushed me into Gordans cage again.

"That went well", the joker smirked. This time I was put into the same cage as him.

"Well im not a complete fail", I smirked.

"What do you mean?", the joker whispered. I quickly showed him a small knife I stole. When I picked up the machine gun, I also picked up a knife at the same time and hid that in my skirt pocket.

"uhh, well done, thought this would've taken longer than it should have. Pass it here", he whispered and i secretly passed the knife to him.

"Batman was in there", I whispered. the joker stayed quiet.

"He wanted to know about you, but I said things that could turn the cops against him", I whispered.

"Hmm. Seems like a good idea. I also got an idea to get us out of here", he whispered.

"I thought that was my job", I whispered, confused.

"Sitting back while someone else gets me out of a situation isn't what I do", he whispered, smirking.

"Alright now its your turn", a cop said. His name tag said Dylan. Dylan grabbed the joker by the arm and to the open cage door.

The joker quickly slit his throat with the little knife I gave him causing his blood to run down his shirt and onto the floor causing a pool of blood to quickly emerge. The joker quickly took the dead cops gun.

"Sleep tight", the joker giggled. The joker passed me the knife which I held ready.

"Hey! Stop!", a cop shout at the joker. The joker passed the gun to me and I held it to the cops.

"Put your guns down", I shouted, as the joker casually put his purple coat back on and filled it once again with the knives and guns. The cops did what they were told and slowely put their guns down.

"Mavis you dont have to do this", gordan said, walking slowely towards me with his hands up.

I growled and shot his hand out of anger. He shouted in pain and collapsed onto his kneese holding his bleeding hand.

"This is who i want to be! Stop trying to change my mind, because it wont happen.", I shouted. The joker and I ran out of the building and ran down the street trying to find a car.

We soon found a family car. The joker smashed open the window with his gun and opened the door and got in, before opening the door for me. Just as I was getting in the car a cop shot me in the arm causing red blood to splatter all over my purple coat. I screamed, clenching my teeth.

"You've already gotten a hole in your coat?", the joker sighed.

"Just drive", I hissed, hearing gun shots in the distance. One of the gun shots smashed the back window causing me to hunch over for cover. The joker just sat there up straight.

The joker isn't scared of anything or anyone because he knows he is the one who is feared.

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