Chapter 01: White

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Elliot's point of view.

I jolted awake, and my eyes opened wide.

White, I see everything was white. Where am I?

Beep Beep Beep Beep BEEEP

Slowly everything cleared up, and i saw white walls. I sat up as i looked around me in panic.

The beep, noise went faster as i looked around in panic.

"Relax, no one is going to hurt you. I'm the doctor" A woman with a clipboard said, as she walked into the room.

"Where am i?" I croaked, she gave me water. I gulped it down, feeling better. But the pain around my head didn't stop.

"At the hospital, Can you tell me your name?" The doctor chose her words carefully, i thought about it and answered.

"Elliot Walter"

"What is the date?"

"January 14 2014"


She stared at me for a while, before writing something on her clipboard.

"Honey it is December 1, 2015. You were in coma for a couple of weeks."

I stared at her with teary eyes, i couldn't remember anything. Oh my god, where is Brandon? I can't believe i left him with dad? Or did i?

"Its okay if you don't remember anything, it might all come back to you" She said scribbling on her clipboard.

"Might?" I repeated her words in shock.

"Yes dear, you had a car accident. I have contacted your family, they are outside." She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Can you call in Brandon?" I asked in worry. She gave me a confused look, and nodded slowly.

She left the room, as tried to remember anything, but nothing is coming up.

I saw that I had a bandage on my arm, and felt one on my head.

"Elsaaaa!"Brandon called out, as he opened the door and ran to me.

"Brady" I coed as I hugged him, ignoring the pain in my arm.

"Elsa....a lot has happened when you were gone" He cried and clutched his head, my eyes widen.

"Oh my god, Everything is going to be fine. Is your cancer gone?" I asked concerned and panicked.

"No I'm fine, a couple of months ago, I had that surgery to remove the tumor." He smiled showing his two dimples.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Dad wants my custody back, and this time he replaced mom" He cried, I held him.

"What do you mean"

"We left dad a long time ago, and now he wants me back. I don't want to go to him, Elsa." He explained, I pat his back.

"Don't worry, i won't let that happen.. That's my promise" I said with a determined expression.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"All I know is that you were leaving me, to New York. And that you already had a apartment ready for you" He handed me my phone.

It was an iPhone, but this wasn't mine.

"Brandon what is this?" I asked astonished staring at the iPhone.

"It's an iPhone 6s, the one you had for a couple months" I nodded and turned it on.

On the screen, there was a picture of me and a man.

"Who is this?" I pointed at him, a pang of pain went through my brain, making me wince.

"That's Luke Hemmings, your ex about to be husband" Brandon stared at me. I just closed my eyes and feel asleep.


Two weeks later

I walked around my new apartment, and talked to my lawyers about my dads abuse, and Brandon's custody.

We had no evidence. They are going to fix the date of the court.

They agreed on letting him stay with my grandfather, because I told them about the abuse and they got suspicious.

I needed a job, even though I had Luke's will. I wanted to do something, to pass time.

I roamed around the streets of New York, and found an office, that said help needed.

I walked in and there was only men everywhere. I stood there as a flashback came to me.

I push the expensive designed glass doors open and try to find the receptionist. I look around me and see that everyone is running around in a hurry.

The place seems to be designed in black and white theme. But the thing that confused me was there are only men dressed in suits running around. My brown eyes find their way to the clock and widen. Eight minutes left!

I spot the receptionist and quickly approach it. "Hello." I greeted. The man behind the receptionist desk looked up and replied, "Bonjour, what can I help you with."

"Uh-I came here for the job." I said quickly. He lifted up his arm and checked the time on his watch, "Miss, I believe you only have five minutes. If you really need this job, then go to the top floor and that's where you'll get your interview."

I walked towards the elevator and blindly push, the top floor. I stared at nothing as I felt a headache, I clutched my head and walked out.

I read the label of the door, and opened the knob.

Mr.James Monroe

An: The suspense is killing me!
Comment what you think will happen?
Like Mr.Monroe screaming at her, telling her he loves her, or just tells her to leave.

Or will she get her memory back....

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