Chapter 14: Pigeon

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As I started to go through the codes in the computer we heard a scream.

We both immediately went outside to see my neighbor Mr.Stone in his Spider-Mans boxers running around singing.

I'm a goofy goober!

"Are you okay!" Elliot called out looking concerned.

"It's alright, he owed me this!" Mrs.Stone called out laughing as she Video tapped it.

I closed the door and continued to do my work.

"Are you concerned about your neighbor?" Elliot asked as she shifted uncomfortably.

"No, it's completely normal. In fact he is one of my best friends." I explained as I continued to work.

3075 Error

I slammed my head on the table.

"Hey I need to go home, and change out of these clothes" Elliot said making me turn towards her.

Her hair was tangled with raw egg and her clothes were dirty.

"You look beautiful, but you smell!" I laughed as she smacked me.

"Hey it's okay if you take a shower here-" I was cut off as the door opened.

"ALFRED IN THE HOUSE!" He came with a few bodyguards behind him.

"You go take a shower." I said as I gave Alfred a look.

Shut up

She nodded and I walked behind her, I pulled out sweats and a shirt and gave it to her.

I then took a shower in my other bathroom, and wore a black shirt and black pants.

"Alfred what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Taylor is coming." He frowned.

Then he grinned as he held up a pigeon suit,"And I know what to do."

Elliot walked in looking flawless as ever.

She was wearing my blue shirt that was big so it went over her shoulders, teasing me.

She was also wearing my sweats, she had to fold the top multiple times.

Cute, I thought.

I gulped as a desire seeped through me. I looked away and looked at Alfred.Alfred was grinning at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Anyways, Elliot I'm going to need you to go home. Get some rest." I said as I tried to resist her.

"Oh no I'm not. I heard you Alfred." Elliot said, I groaned inside.

"Okay c-can you just go to the other room for a second?" I said as I looked away from Alfred.


"Everyone leave." I ordered and they left.

"Can't you see?" I muttered.


"Your a queen, that I can't resist the urge to make you my queen, my monstre effrayant ici"

"Uh" she flushed as she walked away from me.I sighed.She will never be mine.

Ding dong!

"JAMES!" Taylor grinned as she leaned in to me, I stopped her.

"Taylor we are over." I said softly.

"Over my ass, anyways I see you have a problem with the code." She eyed my computer.

"Yeah, because you changed it!" I shouted angrily.

"I have no idea where that came from hon." She smirked as she leaned in.

"Either you be with me, or I make em robots kill, a certain someone" She whispered as she trailed her red finger nail on my cheek.

"You wouldn't" I grit my teeth.

"Oh I will!" She smirked.

"Too bad, she is mine. I don't care about you!" I shouted as she flinched from me.

She smirked as she turned around.

"We'll make sure, her emotions are in check first." She laughed as she walked out.


"WHAT THE FUCK!" Taylor shrieked as I ran outside to see the commotion.

Elliot ran with me as we saw the scene before us.

Their was a huge was seemed like pigeon poop on Taylor's Mercedes.

We all looked up. There Alfred in a pigeon suit started to walked back and forth.


"Get down here you stupid pigeon!" Taylor shouted as Elliot and I burst into laughter.

"BUCK!" Alfred shouted as he the pigeon walked back and forth.

Taylor yelled in anger as she started to walk home.

"This isn't over!"

Once she was gone, I stopped laughing.

"Haha Alfred your such a dweeb!" I shouted smiling.

"What?" Alfred walked out of my house, not wearing a pigeon suit.

The pigeon still kept on going back and forth.
It seemed like it was pacing back and forth continuously.

"Then who is that?"Elliot questioned. Alfred looked up, his expression turned sour.

"Hey that's my suit!" Alfred shouted angrily.The pigeon stopped moving and took out a bucket.

He threw it over Alfred who was standing a couple meters away from us.

"Aw poo I'm covered in hue" Alfred whined as his face heated up.

"I'm Ziall" The pigeon took off its head.

Merry Christmas :)

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