Chapter One

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“I don’t want you to leave.” Rachael said, rolling over and kissing Cody.

He kissed her back, “I don’t want to either.” 

They laid tangled in each other. Cody had to leave in a few days for the new tour the guys were on. 

“Hey, you get to meet Maxx’s girlfriend finally.” He stated.

She laughed, “Yeah, it’s been like almost three years.”

“Yeah, but she’s finally moving back home so it will be easier.” he laughed with her.  

“True, I’m excited to meet her.. It will be nice having her around.” 

Cody smiled and kissed her. She put her head on his shoulder, “Do you think Maxx will purpose to her?” 

“I don’t know.. I’m not sure they’d be ready for it.” he kissed her head.

Rachael sighed, “Do you think we are?”

“Of course I do.. Are you having second thoughts?” he moved so she had to look at him.

“No. I’m totally sure about being with you for the rest of our lives.” she kissed him.

“Good, because you’re stuck with me now.” they both laughed and curled back up together. 

A few hours later Sam called them downstairs. Everyone was going out to lunch. No one had left after the wedding, wanting to spending time with each other and the girls. Rachael was happy to have everyone there, it made it feel like everything was complete. Cody and Rachael had talked about her moving to Florida but they decided if it needed to happen then she would. 

Maxx’s girlfriend Marie was coming home to Ohio, form Los Angeles. She decided she wanted to go back to school, and it was a lot cheaper in Ohio. She would be in Cincinnati, five hours away form Rachael’s but she knew that if she needed her, they would figure out a plan. Maxx was throwing around the idea to move to Ohio, so all the guys were confused on what to do. 

 When they arrived at Olive Garden they were greeted and seated, the waitress took their drink orders. When she came back to take their food orders, she was staring at Dan. When she walked away he told Cody, who passed it around the tabled. They were lucky to not run into a lot of fans when they were out, but when they did, some were crazy. She came back with their salads and breadsticks, continuing to watch Dan. 

He decided to confront her, “Can I help you?” 

“Oh, um, I just.. Admire you..” she stuttered.  

He smiled, “Would you like a picture, or an autograph?”

“If it’s not to much to ask..” she blushed.

He got up and walked over to her, “Of course not.” she pulled out her phone and Dan stood next to her. She snapped the picture and they hugged, “Thank you.”

Dan sat back down and she walked away, smiling from ear to ear. Everyone dug into the salad and breadsticks. Soon after their food arrived. Dan had checked his phone and saw their waitress had posted the picture of them, and he liked it. When she came back with the checks, he knew she had seen it. Before they left, he hugged her one more time. 

When they got back to the house everyone wanted to swim so they all went to change into their suits. Rachael went to Sam’s room to talk to her. Sam was sitting on her bed, still dressed. 

“Hey, you okay?” Rachael knocked on the door frame.

Sam looked up, “I don’t feel good.”

Rachael sat down next to her, “like not feel good, how?” 

“I’m not sure.. I just feel nauseous.” Sam laid back.

Rachael laid back with her, “Do you want me to get you anything?”

Sam was silent for a moment, “No, I don’t think so. Go swim, I’ll call you if I need you.” 

Rachael got up and walked out to the pool. Cody was waiting for her. “Everything okay?” she looked up at him and shook her head. She was picked up and thrown in the pool. 

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