Chapter Twenty-One

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The month had flown by, Christmas was over and it was new years eve. The guys had been working hard on the record and it was coming along very well. Maxx was done with pretty much all the drums so he spent a lot of time with Marie. Sam was about to be in her seventh month and Rachael was in her sixth. 

Rachael couldn’t dance much anymore. Her legs and feet would swell up to bad so both her and Sam spent a lot of time at the recording studio with the guys. Sam was restricted on what she could do at work but she still worked a lot, just as a server. 

“Ow!” Rachael yelled out and tried to bend over. 

“What’s wrong?” Cody dropped his microphone and rushed to her side. 

She took a deep breath, “I think he’s using my ribs as a jungle gym.” 

Sam laughed, “Yeah, Brook loves to do that also. She must be sleeping now, because she hasn’t moved much in a while.” 

“I’m okay now.. Go back to recording. I know Char likes your voice. I think that’s what’s making him so active.” Rachael smiled at Cody. 

He smiled back at her, “Well, I don’t want it to hurt you.” 

“It’s going to happen regardless” Rachael took another deep breath and put her hands on her ribs, “Go now..” she said between breaths. 

Cody looked at her, worried, “I got her Cody, go.” Sam said. 

He walked back into the recording booth and picked up his microphone. Jim started to talk to him, about where they left off. Sam took Rachael to the couch and sat down with her. 

A few hours later everyone stopped for lunch. Sam and Rachael were already in the kitchen eating when the guys came in. After they made what they wanted they sat at the tabled with the girls. Cody pulled his chair a little closer to Rachael.

When everyone was don’t eating they went back to the recoding booth to get back to work. Dan and Rachael were the last two in the kitchen. 

“How are you feeling?” Dan sat back down, next to her.

“I’m alright. I think Char finally went back to sleep.” she smiled.

Dan laughed, “I love how you call him Char.” 

“It’s going to be his nickname for me.” Rachael laughed with him.

“I catch Cody calling him that too. I can’t wait for these babies to be here, to meet them.” Dan got up. 

“I hear that.” Rachael got up with him. They walked back to where everyone else was. Dan went over and grabbed his trumpet. 

Sam smiled as Rachael sat down next to here, where Austin just was. They sat on their laptops while they watched the guys record. 

When they all got back to the house, Laura had dinner made for them and they all went to the kitchen to eat. Not to long after while everyone was eating Marie and Maxx walked in the door. Everyone greeted them. 

“Can I talk to you guys,” Marie asked Rachael and Sam. 

They got up and followed her into the kitchen, before they could say anything Marie held out her hand. 

“Oh my god! It’s so pretty!” Rachael took her hand to examine it closer. 

“Details!” Sam said.

Marie laughed, “Well, we spent all day together, he took me shopping. We went to a movie and after he took me to Olive Garden. I didn’t think much of it, just that we were going to dinner. After the waitress took our orders, he got up and dropped to one knee. I didn’t know what to think. I started crying and he asked me. And well, I said yes.” she laughed again. 

“I’m so happy for you!” Rachael hugged her. “I am too.” Sam said and hugged her also.

When they walked back into the dining room Marie walked around the tabled to show the guys the ring. They all hugged her and Maxx. Rachael pulled out her phone and took pictures the whole time. She sent the good ones to Marie’s phone. 

Rachael was tossing and turning, not being able to get comfortable. Cody was sitting up on his laptop. 

“I hate this.” Rachael sighed. 

Cody put her hand on Rachael’s back, “I know sweetie, come here.” he closed his laptop and set it on the ground. 

He laid down and Rachael rolled over, laying her head on his chest, laying her arm over his stomach. He started to sing softly. Rachael jumped a few times, when Charles would kick but she started to fall asleep. Cody leaned down and kissed her head. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning when Cody woke up Rachael was gone. He got up and walked into the bathroom, then headed down stairs. When he got to the kitchen he saw Rachael with her head down on the island and a bowl pushed to the side. He laughed, then took the bowl to the sink. Austin walked in and started laughing as well. 

“She’s having a hard time sleep too, huh?” Austin asked, opening the fridge.

Cody stood next to Rachael and rubbed her back, “Yeah, she is.”

Sam came walking into the kitchen and sat next to Rachael. She leaned her head against Rachael and closed her eyes. She could tell Rachael was awake by her breathing. 

The guys got ready to leave for the studio. Before they left Cody took Rachael back to their bed to try and sleep more. Sam crawled in next to her. Maxx went with the guys to the studio while Marie stayed home to be with Rachael and Sam. 

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