Chapter Twenty-Four

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It had been a few weeks since Brooklyn was born. Everyone was helping out, how they could. Rachael and Cody took her for a few nights and took care of her. Sam kept telling them they didn’t have to, and Rachael should get as much sleep as she could, but Rachael would tell her it’s okay. 

“Are you sure?” Sam said, walking up the stairs with Rachael, who was holding Brooklyn. 

“Yes, I am. I’m going to be doing this in a few weeks anyways.” Rachael smiled down at Brook. 

Sam sat on the bed, “Yeah, which is why you should be getting as much sleep as possible.” 

“I don’t sleep much anyways. You and Austin need sleep too.” Rachael laid Brook in Charles’ bassinet. 

“Okay.. Are you sure Cody’s okay with it?” Sam sighed.

“Yes, you know he rarely sleeps as well.” Rachael laughed and walked over to Sam, “Go get sleep.”

Sam stood up and hugged Rachael, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The next morning Austin walked into Rachael’s room to get Brook. Rachael and Cody were asleep, so he tried to be as quiet as possible. When he got back to his and Sam’s room he carefully got into bed and Sam rolled over. 

“How did you sleep?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I was out.” Sam laughed.

Austin laughed with her, “Same. I’m so glad they do that for us.” 

“I am too, but I don’t know how we will repay them when Charles gets here. We’d end up with two babies.” Sam ran her fingers through her hair. 

“I’m sure her mom will help with that. We will find another way to repay them.” Austin handed Brook to Sam and got up. 

Sam held her to her chest and smiled, “I need to go also, when you’re done.” 

Ten minutes later Austin walked back out of the bathroom. He took Brook and laid her in her bassinet. Sam had fallen back sleep. He kissed her head and went to the kitchen. 

Rachael was sitting at the island, eating a bowl of cereal. Austin jumped when he walked in, not expecting to see her sitting there. 

“When did you come get her?” Rachael laughed.

“About 20 minutes ago,” Austin opened the fridge, “We slept like babies last night. Thank you.” 

“You’re welcome. It’s actually helped Cody and I. So, thank you.” Rachael got up and put her bowl in the dishwasher. When she bent down she winced in pain, “OW!” 

Austin ran to her side, “Oh my god, are you okay?” 

“Yeah, he’s awake and moving.” Rachael gave him a weak smile and stood back up. 

He looked her in the eyes but let it go because Cody walked into the kitchen.

“What’s up?” Cody smiled and walked over to Rachael, then gave her a kiss.

“Nothing, I just finished eating.. Austin was thanking me for us taking Brook last night. They slept like babies, right Austin?” Rachael shot him a look. 

“Right, we did. Thank you.” Austin gave her a look back but walked out of the kitchen.

Rachael was glad Cody didn’t catch any of it, “Are you going to record more today?” 

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