Chapter Five

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Rachael woke before her alarm again. She rolled over and turned it off, so it wouldn’t go off, then walked to the bathroom. She showered and dressed, trying to not think of Cody. They left for tour today. When Rachael got downstairs Sam was sitting on the couch, rubbing her feet.  Rachael went to the hall closet and got out all the stuff she used when her feet were aching and set it up for her.

“Here you go, this will help.” she set the tub down by Sam’s feet.

Sam sighed and she laid her feet in the warm water, “Oh my god, that feel’s amazing. What is in there?”

“A secret, don’t worry about it, just relax.” Rachael laughed and grabbed her bag, “I’ll see you later.”

“Wait” Sam yelled. Rachael walked back in the living room, “Yes?”

“Do you think you can come home around noon and go to my appointment with me?” Sam looked down at her feet.

“Yeah, I’ll let Tim know.” She walked over and hugged Sam.

Rachael beat Tim to the studio. When she walked in she dropped her bag and went to the CD player. She hit play and the song “Wanted” started. She smiled to herself and started to spin around the room. When the song ended Tim started clapping. Rachael jumped and laughed.

“I know you’re lost in the dance when you have your eyes closed.” Tim said walking over to the CD player, tuning it off. 

Rachael laughed, “Yeah, that is true. Oh, I need to leave around noon, Sam asked me to go to her appointment with her. I can come back after we get home.”

“Okay, that’s fine. We can just call it a half day.” Tim changed CD’s and hit play. They practiced all four dances. 

Rachael pulled in the driveway and saw Sam sitting on the front porch. Sam got up and walked to the car. She was silent the whole drive to the doctors. When they got there Sam didn’t get out of the car with Rachael. She looked out the window when Rachael knocked on it and opened the door slightly. 

“Come in.” Rachael pulled the door open all the way.

Sam turned and put her feet out the door, “Okay, okay…”

“What is it?” Rachael stopped  Sam from walking away.

“I’m just nervous.. About it all..” Sam sighed.

Rachael put her arm around Sam’s shoulder, “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

They got to the waiting room and Sam went to the reception desk to sign in, while Rachael went to sit down. When Sam joined her she had a clipboard with papers to fill out. Rachael pulled out her phone, she had a text from Marie.

“Hey, so I’m here in Cincinnati.”

‘Good, everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m almost done unpacking.. Do you think I could dive up tonight and stay with you?” 

“Of course, when do you think you’ll be in?”

“I’m hoping around five, I’ll keep you updated. Oh, tell Sam I said hello.”

Rachael turned to Sam, “Marie says hi. She’s going to come up and stay with us tonight.” 

“Oh, cool. Hi back.” Sam got up and walked to the desk to return the paper work. 

Ten minutes later the nurse called for Sam. She got up and started to walk away. She turned to Rachael and nodded her head. 

“What?” Sam nodded her head again, “Oh you want me to come?” Rachael got up and followed.

When they got back to the car they decided on somewhere for lunch. After they were seated and their drink order was taken Sam pulled out her phone to call Austin. She told him about the appointment. When she hung up she had a big smile on her face.

“I’m glad to finally see you smiling.” Rachael looked up from her menu.

“I think I just needed to hear his voice.” 

Rachael nodded, “I know what you mean. I’m glad our date is early in the tour this time. I know you need time with him.” 

“I agree.” Their waiter came back to the tabled and took their orders. When they were done eating the paid the bill and left. Rachael checked the time, it was three, and had a message from Marie, “Hey, I need your address.” She texted her the address and drove home. 

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