Chapter Eighteen

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A few months had passed and Sam and Austin found out they were having a girl. Rachael’s appointment to find out was in a few days. She was a month and a few weeks away from Sam. They helped each other through everything with the pregnancies. Marie decided to move in and they turned one of the spare bedrooms into hers. They guys were talking about moving up to Ohio. Dan, Zach and Andrew were looking at apartment buildings, though they felt better staying at Rachael’s. Laura told them all to do what they want but they were always welcome to stay.

“Okay, so I’m thinking a baby shower on the same day.” Kat said. 

Sam laughed, “That would be smart.” 

“Can we please get something to eat now?” Rachael asked, switching her bags to the other arm. 

“I agree with Rachael,” Cassie said. 

They walked to the food court and picked places to eat. After they all met up at a table and sat down. 

Marie picked up one of her bags, “I’m glad I decided to get that lacy nightgown, I hope Maxx likes it.” 

“If he doesn’t, he isn’t a man.” Rachael laughed. 

After a few more hours of shopping the girls headed home. When they got there the guys were already there. Laura was waiting on them to start dinner, so she knew what she was making. She only make four different dishes, and the four with the highest votes won. Sometimes they played games to pick winners. On game they loved to play was UNO. No one could win against Rachael so her meals were usually picked. She always picked something she knew everyone liked, even if she didn’t because she knew she liked one of the others. 

“How was your day?” Cody asked, wrapping his arms around Rachael, pulling her in close. 

She smiled and kissed him, “It was good. I got a few things. How was your’s?”

“Mine was good,” he kissed her again, “but I missed you.” 

“I missed you too.” she pushed him back onto the bed and sat on his lap. 

When Rachael’s alarm went off she got up and went to the bathroom. After she showered and dressed she walked back in her room to see Cody sitting up on his laptop. She crawled back into the bed and laid her head on his shoulder. 

“You’re going to be late,” he leaned down and kissed her head.

“I don’t care.” she looked up and him and kissed his chin. 

He laughed, “Go, I’ll see you later. I need to get ready to go as well.” 

“Do you think it would be easier for you guys to stay there?” she asked, getting up. 

Cody thought for a minute, “Yes and no. We all love the studio but it feels nice to stay at a house. Plus Jim and Ted are fine with it.” 

“Oh, okay. I’ll see you later.” Rachael leaned down and kissed him, then left. 

Tim was at the dance studio when she got there. He smiled at her when she walked in and she smiled back. 

“How are you this morning?” he asked. 

“I’m good. How about you?” Rachael set her bags down and took off her shoes. 

“Same. So, I was thinking of some new songs. They are still slow-ish, but they have some different moves that are faster and I know are safe for you to do.” 

Rachael stretched her legs, “Sounds good. I’m glad I can still dance a little.” 

They did some of the new dances for a while. Rachael would have to stop periodically to give her feet time. She knew when she reached six or seven months she would have to stop dancing. 

“Lunch time?” Tim hit stop on the remote to the stereo.

Rachael shook her head, “Yes, that sound’s good.” 

After lunch they went over the dances a few more times. Rachael started to feel really tired so they called it a day. When she got home no one was there. She went to the kitchen and saw a note on the island that read; 


                I was called into work early. -Sam

               I’m at the studio with the boys. - Marie

           Mom said she would be late getting home from work, there was a problem with something and no one can leave until it’s done. 

                                                                                      We love you.”

She smiled and walked over to the fridge. There wasn’t a lot to choose from. After dinner there weren’t much leftovers left. The boys could eat, that was one thing everyone knew for sure. She pulled the salad drawer open and was happy to see some still left. When she was done with making one she put the extra stuff back and walked to the living room. Before turning on the TV she laid her head back and closed her eyes, just listening. She loved everyone being at the house but she enjoyed this silence. After a few minutes she turned on the TV to some cartoons and ate her salad. 

When she was washing her dishes her phone went off. It was Cody. 

“Hey, what are you doing?” he asked. 

“Washing dishes, you?” 

She heard noise in the background, it sounded like guitar. “Come be with me.” 

“Okay, I’ll be there soon.” 

Cody ran out to the front when he saw Rachael pull up and park. Rachael laughed as he picked her up slightly and kissed her. They walked back in together and all the guys yelled hello as they walked into the room. Rachael went and sat by Marie, who was on her laptop. The boys went back to making music. Dan and Zach were doing guitar parts. Austin would join at some point with his bass. Around seven the guys pilled into the van to head back to the house. Cody got into Rachael’s car with her. Marie was in the van with Maxx.

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