Chapter Twenty-Five

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“Give me one more big push,” Rachael’s doctor said, looking up quickly at her. 

Cody squeezed Rachael’s hand tighter, “Come on baby, you can do it.”

Rachael gave everything she had left in her and started to push. Halfway through she heard crying and Charles was being set on her chest. She turned and smiled at Cody, who leaned down and kissed her head. The nurse picked Charles back up and took him to be weighted then cleaned.

Sam leaned down and kissed Rachael’s head, “congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Rachael smiled up at her. 

“7 pounds, 7 ounces, 18 in long” her doctor walked back over to the bed, and laid Char back on Rachael’s chest. 

“He’s perfect.” Rachael smiled and kissed his head. 

“You did great,” Cody said, leaning down to kiss Charles head. 

“Yeah, you did, for coming in here and having him, no pain medication.” Sam laughed. 

Rachael handed Charles to Cody, “I honestly forgot about it, he was out so fast.”  

“Sam, can you hold him, while I go get everyone?” Cody asked. 

“Of course,” Sam said and took Char. 

Cody ran down the hallway to the waiting room. When he walked through the doors everyone stood up and ran to him. He told them about Char and told them to follow. Austin had Brooklyn. 

When they got to the room everyone rushed to Sam, who was swaying back, humming to Char. She handed him to Laura and walked over to Austin, who put Brooklyn’s car seat on the empty chair. Sam took her out and started to rock her back and forth. When it was Austin’s turn he turned to Sam, who lifted Brook slightly. 

“Meet your new best friend, Charles.” Brooklyn cooed,

Everyone laughed, and Charles yawned. 

“Can I hold my baby again?” Cody asked quietly.

Austin laughed, “Of course.” then handed Char to him. 

Kat told him to get closer to Rachael, to take some photos. Everyone stayed for a few hours, then headed home. Rachael slept for a while. 

It was finally time to go home and Rachael was so happy. Cody was asking the nurse a bunch of questions. They got Charles into his car seat and Rachael was helped into a wheelchair, even thought she said she could do it herself. They walked out, well Rachael was wheeled out, to the car. A nurse helped Rachael into the car, while another helped Cody put the car seat in the dock. 

“Are you going to be like Austin?” Rachael laughed.

Cody answered her, by going slower. “Babe.. Please.. Just go a little faster?” 

“Fine,” Cody pushed on the pedal slightly. 

When they walked in the door everyone was there to greet them, along with Tim, Jen, and Anthony. Cody took the car seat to the couch and Rachael took Charles out. She handed him to Kat, then walked up stairs to her room. She fell onto her bed and sighed. 

“You okay?” she heard Cody’s voice, and saw in him the door way. 

“Yeah, come here.” she motioned for him to her. 

He walked over to the bed and laid down next to her. Rachael rolled over and laid her head on his chest, then took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Cody pulled her chin up with a finger and kissed her. They kissed for a while.

Cassie cleared her throat and knocked on the door frame, “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” Rachael sat up, and Cody rolled over. 

“Um, Cody..” Cassie looked down.

Cody got up, “Of course” he kissed Rachael once more and walked out of the room, going to another bathroom. 

“What’s up?” Rachael patted the bed.

Cassie walked over and sat down, “So.. How are you?” she asked.

“I’m good, slightly sore, but nothing I can’t handle. How are you?” Rachael smiled at her. 

“I’m.. okay.. I guess. I heard Marie and Maxx are engaged.. You and Sam are married and have babies..” Cassie trailed off.

Rachael could see where this was going, “and Aaron hasn’t mentioned anything. I’m sure he’s waiting for the right time.” 

“I don’t know.. It just.. Upsets me..” Cassie looked down at her hands. 

“I understand Cassie, believe me, I do. I promise, when the time is right, it will all fall into place. I mean, hey, Charles wasn’t planned. And I wish I could have been married longer, before he came along, but I love him.” Rachael put her hand on Cassie shoulder.

Cassie smiled, “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks. I love you.” she turned and hugged Rachael. 

Rachael hugged her back, “I love you too.” 

Cassie got up and walked back downstairs. Rachael laid back down on the bed. A few moments later Cody walked in with Charles. Rachael sat up and took him. 

“I’m so happy.” Cody sat down, and whispered.

Rachael leaned her head on his shoulder, and felt him put his arm around her, “I am too.” 

“I got it,” Cody yawned and got up.

Rachael sat up and waited for him to hand her Charles. 

“Oh man, that stinks.” Cody gagged a little and went to the changing table. 

“He does know how to stink up the place, he gets it from his dad.” Rachael laughed.

Cody laughed with her, “no, I think you have that wrong, he gets it from you.” 

“I don’t think so.” Rachael held out her arms for Charles. Cody handed him over.

Cody laid back down and closed his eyes. He was back asleep before his eyes were even closed. Rachael laughed, and helped Charles. 

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