Chapter Twenty-Three

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It was a few months later, and Sam’s ninth month. The doctors were predicting Brooklyn would come within the next few weeks. Sam was getting more nervous every day. Austin went with her to every appointment. He was excited. 

The days flew by, and the record was coming along well. The drums and bass were completed. They did the bass before the guitars so Austin could spend time with Sam. Cody had half of the vocals, but they still needed work. Maxx and Marie were spending time at the studio, but planning their wedding. They decided they would wait about a year, with all the excitement of two babies on their way. 

“Babe,” Sam said pushing Austin, “wake… up” she said between breaths.

Austin yawned, “what’s wrong?” 

Sam took a deep breath, “It.. Hurts.. So.. Bad..” 

“How many minutes?” he sat up and put his hand on her back. 

“About seven.” Sam put her hand on her stomach.

“Let’s go then.” Austin got up and pulled the hospital bag out from under the bed.  

Sam shook her head, “No. I’m not ready.” 

“Babe, it’s time.” Austin sighed, knowing Sam was going to give him a hard time. 

“No,” Sam shook her head again and grabbed her phone.

“Who are you calling?” Austin sat on the end of the bed, rubbing his eyes.

Sam ignored him and waited, “Come down here, please.” then she hung up.

“I could have gone and gotten her, you know that.” he sighed. 

Rachael walked into the room a few minutes later, with Cody behind her. She walked over to Sam and sat next to her. Austin stood up and waved for Cody to walk back out of the room and he followed him. 

“Time?” Rachael asked.

Sam scrunched her face, “Seven.”

Rachael took Sam’s hand, “Let’s go.”

“No,” Sam shook her head, and scrunched her face again, “I’m.. not.. Ready.” 

“Yes you are, let’s go.” Rachael got up, still holding Sam’s hand. 

Sam was hesitant at first but then got up, with the help of Rachael. They walked out of the room and Sam stopped. 

“Ew.” she whispered and looked down. 

“It’s time for sure now,” Austin put her other arm around him and Cody took over on the other side, where Rachael was. She took the bag from Austin. While they drove to the hospital, Rachael called her mom.

“Hello?” her mom said, sleepily.

“Hi mom, we are taking Sam to the hospital, her water broke right outside her bedroom door.” Rachael laughed slightly.

Laura sat up, “Okay, I’ll take care of it, and be there soon. I have to call work.” 

“Okay, see you soon. I love you.” Rachael hung up. 

Cody called Dan, waking him, to tell him what was going on. Dan said he’d wake everyone else up and they’d be there soon. Cody asked him to call Ted and Jim to let know also. 

When they got to the hospital Cody and Austin were on either side of Sam again, holding her up. She was gripping their sides, and Rachael would laugh when they would scrunch their faces. A nurse ran up to them with a wheelchair. They helped Sam sit down and wheeled her to the delivery area. Cody stayed back in the waiting room to wait for everyone else. Rachael and Austin were talking to the nurse, as they walked down the hallway. Sam reached for both their hands. 

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