Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A month had passed, the tour was going great. Cody and Austin were missing Rachael and Sam, as well as the babies. Brooklyn is 5 months and Charles is 4 months. Fans at the shows would ask Cody and Austin to see pictures but they kept saying not yet. 

It was the day of the Cleveland show. When Dan pulled into Rachael’s driveway that morning Cody, Austin and Maxx were jumping out before he could stop the van. Rachael, Sam and Marie were standing in the front yard waiting. 

“I missed you so much!” Cody yelled as he attacked Rachael and they fell to the ground.

Rachael laughed, “I missed you too babe.” 

Austin had tackled Sam to the ground as well, “Where’s Brook?”

“In her crib, napping.” Sam replied and Austin helped her up.

The boys ran into the house and to the babies rooms. Rachael’s mom had converted two more of  the guest bedrooms into rooms for both Charles and Brooklyn. 

Rachael, Sam, and Marie were standing side stage as they watched Set it Off play. Rachael closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Listening to the music was making her want to dance, but she kept still. She wanted to call Tim and tell him she wanted to dance tomorrow but Cody was going to be there, they had the day off. 

“I’ll be at the merch table soon!” Cody yelled, then ran off stage and into Rachael’s arms. 

He heard some of the crowd cheer, knowing they had to of been watching. Rachael laughed but kissed Cody again. They walked to the back, with Sam, Austin, Maxx and Marie. 

Rachael went out with Cody, while he stood next to the merch table to talk to fans. Sam and Marie walked around with the rest of the guys, helping pack up the trailer. 

“So when will we see Charles?” a fan asked Rachael.

She sighed slightly, “Soon, it’s just to soon.” 

“How is it to soon?” another fan shouted. 

“Because they are still so young.” Cody said, after hugging another fan. 

Another fan stepped up, “Guys, when they are ready, they will show us, let’s give them space on it.” 

Cody smiled and hugged the fan, then she stepped aside to talk to Rachael.

“Can I talk to you?” she asked Rachael shyly.

Rachael smiled and nodded her head to follow her. When they got outside they sat on the curb, “What’s up?”

“Well first, my name is Amber,” she looked down at her hands, “sorry, I feel nervous..”

Rachael put her hand on her shoulder, “There’s nothing to be nervous about, take your time.” 

“I was at your last dance competition before you got pregnant, and I knew who you were, well because you are Cody’s girlfriend, and well.. I was wondering if you could teach me how to dance..” Amber smiled up at Rachael.

Rachael smiled back at her, “Of course, my partner Tim will have to take some time off soon to be with his wife, she’s having a baby soon.” 

“Aw, that’s sweet. So when would you be available?”  Amber asked.

“I go every other day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I do miss going every day but, Charles needs me.” Rachael laughed.

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