Chapter Twenty-Seven

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“I can’t believe he’s already 3 months old.” Rachael sighed and ran her hand over Charles’ head.

Cody chuckled and put his arm around Rachael, “I agree, time seems to be flying.”

Austin walked into the living room and sat down, “You ready to leave tomorrow?” he asked Cody.

“Not at all,” Cody chuckled again, and felt Rachael tense up. 

“Me either,” Austin attempted to smile, but frowned, “I’m not ready to leave Brook.”

Cody kissed Charles head, and Rachael’s cheek. He turned to Austin and nodded his head to walk out with him. They went to the back yard to continue to talk about leaving. 

Rachael picked up the baby monitor and walked to Sam’s room. She sat down on the bed and leaned her head on Sam’s shoulder, who was on her laptop. 

“What’s up?” Sam said, leaning her head on Rachael’s.

Rachael was silent for a minute, “them leaving..”

Sam picked her head up and smiled, “I know it’s going to be tough but we will make it through it, plus, we technically have a part of them with us.” 

“That’s true, I didn’t think of it that way.” Rachael laughed. 

They sat there together until Rachael could hear Charles crying through the monitor. When she got to the living room, Cody was already there, picking him up. His smile told her that he got it, and when he walked passed she held her nose closed and made a gagging sound. She heard Cody chuckling as he walked up the stairs. 

The next morning Cody was up before Rachael, letting her sleep as long as he could. He changed and fed Char, then took a shower, when he fell back asleep, taking a baby monitor into the bathroom with him. When he got out of the shower he could hear Rachael talking to Char. He smiled to himself as he dried off, listening. 

Well good morning sweetie pie. I love you, you are so cute, I’m going to get those feet.” he heard a rustling noise and then silence.

“Has he been up already?” Rachael asked, walking into the bathroom.

Cody jumped and turned around, “Yes, he has.” 

Rachael laughed, “I didn’t mean to scare you. When you’re done, I’m going to jump in the shower.” 

Cody finished drying off and dressed quickly. He sat down on the bed and got on his laptop. He checked his twitter and sighed. None of them had posted pictures of the babies yet and people really wanted them to. They told everyone it was for their safety purposes. Some people understood, but others didn’t. Cody posted a tweet, saying they will post pictures when they are ready. 

The guys were getting ready to go, packing their suit cases and grabbing last minute items for tour. Andrew made a point to remind them that they had to be ready by five o’clock. Cody, Dan, and Maxx went to WalMart to grab things they would need. When they got back Andrew was reminding them they had two hours to be ready. 

Rachael sat on the bed, crossed legged, with Charles laying in front of her. Cody was running from the closet to the bedroom, packing his suitcase. He wanted to be ready so he had sometime to spend with Rachael and Charles before he had to leave. Rachael tickled Char’s stomach, making him laugh. 

“I’m going to miss that sound,” Cody zipped his suitcase shut.

“Don’t worry, you can hear it when we talk on the phone.” Rachael reminded him. 

Cody smiled and leaned down to kiss her, “You are right.” 

Andrew yelled up the stairs, “It’s time to go!” 

Cody sighed, but got up and picked up Charles. Rachael got up as well, walking downstairs with him, carrying his suitcase and book bag for him. They walked outside to the van. Rachael put his suitcase in the trailer and his book bag in the van. Maxx and Marie were standing by the van kissing goodbye. 

Sam was doing the same for Austin. Rachael and Sam stood next to each other laughing, as the boys repeatedly kissed the babies heads, and hugged them gently. Andrew was telling them to hurry it up and get in the van. Cody and Austin handed the babies to Rachael and Sam, then kissed them repeatedly goodbye. Andrew gave up and got into the front seat. 

A few days had passed. Rachael, Sam and Marie were still adjusting to the guys being gone. It was weird for the house to be so quiet. Rachael had decided to go to dance every other day, and Marie agreed to watch Charles. Sam helped Marie, as she has Brooklyn. Rachael didn’t want to just leave Charles with Sam, and have to take care of two babies by herself, plus Marie loved helping with the babies. 

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