Chapter Twelve

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“So? How bad is it?” Dan asked, looking at her arm in the sling.

“It’s just bruised bad,” Rachael turned around to show them, “but..”

“But what?” Cassie got up and walked over to her.

Cody smiled and put his hand on Rachael’s stomach. Cassie put a hand over her mouth and looked back up and Rachael, who smiled.

Everyone got up and walked over to Rachael, hugging her carefully, then hugging Cody. 

“Sam’s not alone now.” Marie laughed.

That’s what she said to me at the hospital.” Sam chuckled and walked inside.

“I need to go make a phone call,” Rachael said and walked inside.

When she got up to her room she went to her nightstand and grabbed her phone, hitting Kat’s contact.

“Hello?” Kat breathed.

“Hi. I’m sorry if I woke you, but I have something to tell you.” Rachael sat on the bed.

“What? Are you okay? Is someone hurt?” she could hear the alarm in Kat’s voice.

Rachael laughed, “Well I did fall by the pool, and bruised my shoulder, but that’s not what I’m calling about,” she paused,“Kat, I’m pregnant.” 

Kat was silent for a moment, “Oh my god, when did you find out?”

“Just a little while ago, at the hospital.” Rachael looked up at Cody as he walked in the room.

“I’m so happy, I’ll be over tomorrow, after my photo shoot.” 

“Okay, I’ll see you then. Are you still going to the concert tomorrow night?” Rachael laid her head on Cody’s shoulder when he sat down.

“Yes I am.” she heard Kat yawn.

“Okay, go back to bed, see you tomorrow.” Rachael laughed.

“Okay, goodnight.” Kat hung up.

Cody wrapped his arm around her shoulder, careful not to touch the injured one. She laid her head back on his chest and looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her. 

“Baby, I’m a little scared.” she whispered to him.

He kissed her again, “I am too. But it’s all going to be okay.”

“Are we going to wait until after the concert tomorrow to say something?” 

“That will probably be a good idea.” Cody picked up her hand and looked at her ring.

“We still need to plan out wedding..” Rachael started to panic.

Cody pulled her closer, “Shh, baby, it’s okay. We will work everything out. We can go to the courthouse if you want.”

“No, I want a real wedding.. Before I start showing.” she took a deep breath and let it out.

“Okay, so then after this tour, on the beach?” 

“That works.. What colors?” she looked up at him again.

“Hmm, I don’t know.. I know you like teal, and I like red. Does that work?” he ran his hand down the side of her head.

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