Chapter Two

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Later that night Austin was yelling Rachael’s name. She jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. 

“What?” Austin looked like a wreck. “Sam’s throwing up. She wants you.”

Rachael ran into her bathroom and sat down next to her, “I’m here.”

“I think.. I’m..” Sam didn’t finish what she was trying to say because she started crying. 

Rachael wrapped her arms around her, “Maybe, but it could be food poising.”

“Is everything okay?” Austin asked, standing in the doorway. Cody was behind him.

Rachael looked up, “It’s better..” Austin sighed, “I’ll be over there..” he pointed and walked past Cody. 

Cody looked at Rachael, “I got him.” he walked over to Austin and put his arm around him.

They sat on the bathroom floor for what seemed like hours but it was about thirty minutes. Sam shook her head and Rachael stood up, helping Sam up. They walked out into her room and she walked over to Austin, sitting in his lap. Cody stood up and wrapped his arm around Rachael’s shoulder. 

“Are you okay?” Austin asked Sam, and she shook her head, “I want to sleep now.” 

“Goodnight,” Cody said while him and Rachael walked out and back up to their room. 

They climbed into bed and curled up together. Rachael sighed and Cody pushed her head up. “What’s wrong with her?” 

“She might be pregnant..” Rachael sighed again.

Cody let out a breath, “Well, if she is, everything will be okay.” 

“I know.. I’m going to take her to the doctor tomorrow. If she wants to or not.”

“Well, let’s go back to bed. I love you.” he kissed her.

She kissed him back, “I love you more.”

The next morning when Rachael woke up Cody was still asleep. She didn’t want to disturb him so she got up as carefully as she could and walked downstairs. Sam was sitting at the island, with a cup of coffee. Rachael sat down next to her. 

“Good morning” Sam looked over at her, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. But we are going to the doctor, if you want to or not. So, let Austin know.” Rachael got up and went to the fridge, opening it and getting a juice.

Sam put her mug down, “I know.. I wont fight. I already told him you’d say that to me.” 

“Good.” Rachael walked out and back up to her room. 

Cody was awake when she walked back in the room and held his arms open for her. She walked over and climbed into his arms. He held her tight and kissed her lips repeatedly. She pushed him back and got onto of him. He smiled into her kiss and pulled her closer.

“Are you ready?” Sam looked at Austin, “Yeah.. I guess so.” 

They walked out to Rachael’s car where she was waiting with Cody. When they got in, she drove off. Austin was holding Sam’s hand, trying to keep her calm as they walked into the waiting room. They walked up to the reception desk to check in while Cody and Rachael went to sit down. After a minute they joined them.

Thirty minutes later the nurse called Sam’s name. Rachael squeezed her hand and she grabbed Austin’s, dragging him with her. Rachael leaned her head on Cody’s shoulder, who leaned his head on her. They waited. 

“Okay, so we are going to take some blood now,” the nurse said. 

Sam held Austin’s hand with her other hand, and he squeezed it. When the nurse was done, she walked out of the room. Austin stood in front of Sam and she put her head on his chest. They waited about twenty minutes and the nurse walked back in.

“Okay, we have the results and, you are pregnant.” She smiled and Sam put her hands to her mouth. Austin wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. He turned his head towards the nurse, “Thank you.” She nodded and walked out of the room. They stayed like that for a few moments until Austin told her they needed to leave.

When they walked out into the waiting room, Rachael knew the answer. She rushed to Sam’s side, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. They walked out to the car and drove home. When they got home Rachael’s mom was waiting. Sam sat on the couch with her. 

“I am.” she said quietly.

Laura hugged her, “I’m happy. Don’t worry, you know everything will be okay, I know you know that.” 

Sam laughed, “I do know that.. I’m just worried about how the fans will react.”

Rachael laughed, “I knew there was something more to it.” 

Everyone got up and went to the back yard, where Laura was grilling ribs for dinner. 

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