Chapter Eleven

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The next morning when Rachael woke she didn’t feel well but she pushed through it, thinking to herself that she needed to stop eating so much. She got up and dragged herself to the shower. When she was done she sat in her closet in her bra and underwear for a few minutes, deciding what to wear, nothing looking comfortable. She grabbed her sweats and a tank top. 

“Good morn--” Sam stopped, “Are you okay?” 

Rachael sat next to her, “Yeah, I think I keep eating to much..” she put her head on the island.

“Maybe,” Sam put her hand on Rachael’s forehead, “No fever.”

“I don’t feel warm, or cold. I feel normal. Besides wanting to throw up.” Rachael said quietly.

Sam was quiet for a moment, then go up and left. Rachael didn’t notice when she came back, the cool granite of the island was making her feel better. Sam pushed a bottle of something towards her face, until it hit her nose.

“What is that?” Rachael asked, not opening her eyes.

Sam laughed, “Poison, now take it.”

“If it will make me feel better, I’m okay with poison.” Rachael sighed, opening her eyes and picking up her head.

“Can you get me some water? I know this will taste like crap.” Sam laughed and went to the sink, pour Rachael a glass of water. Rachael poured the medicine into the little cup. After Sam put the cup of water down, Rachael tipped the little cup back and shot the medicine down her throat. She grabbed the water and started to chug it.

“Your face was priceless” Sam laughed.

Rachael smirked, “I don’t know how they think this is cherry, because it’s not.” 

“I agree.” Sam replied.

Rachael took her time driving to the studio, not wanting to disrupt her stomach. Tim was there when she got there. She walked in and dropped her bag. Tim turned around and greeted her. She smiled back at him and walked to the center, starting to stretch. On Monday they had discussed new dances and new moves with each other. They didn’t dance much. 

“What song do you want to use?” Tim asked her.

“Can we do a slow one, like ‘What hurts the most’? I think I want to use that one in the next competition, whenever it is.” 

“Sure, that sounds good.” He changed Cds.

The song started and Rachael spun around the room. She ignored the feeling of needing to throw up. She danced across the room to Tim. He was dancing away from her. Right before she reached him, he acted like he fell, and rolled away. Rachael stopped for a second and spun back to the other side of the room. She danced around the room, with Tim always around her, but she acted like she couldn’t see him. At the end she leaped to the side of the room where Tim was, and leaded down, putting her head on his chest, while he laid still on the floor.

“That was good.” he smiled and got up. 

Rachael sat on the floor, “Yeah it was.” 

“Okay, now what?” he asked.

They tried out a few different songs, figuring out what would work with what song. Rachael choose some new songs that she liked. She wanted to make something up for Set it Off’s new song, called Partners in Crime. 

At noon Tim went to get them both salads and some more water. Rachael sat on the floor against the wall, put her knees against her chest. It made her feel better. She wished she had brought that medicine with her. As she pulled out her phone to call Tim he walked in the door. He sat next to her and handed her one of the salads and water. They ate in silence, not needing to talk. Rachael’s phone went off and Cody’s face was on the screen.

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