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I Know What You Did Last Summer

    "Molly. Long time no see." His deep voice sent another shiver down my spine, and as he stared at me, his smirk shifted into something devilish, and I still couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't want to believe he was standing there in front of me. Yet somehow, I knew it was real. He was too real to be a dream.

Wes had changed drastically from the last time I had seen him nearly three years ago. He was taller, muscular, and he radiated dominance. His messy brown hair was slightly longer, and his olive tan skin still made those piercing emerald green eyes stand out like a jewel. And Lord, his smirk. I still didn't know whether to love it or fear it.

"Hi, Molly. It's so good to see you again." Carly greeted as she gave me a hug, and I hugged her back, still shook from seeing him so close again.

Wesley Grayson used to be the bane of my existence, and he probably still was. He was known as the arrogant bad boy at our school back in Montana, or to everyone else, just a bad boy-- I added the arrogant part. He walked around like he was the bees knees, and nobody dared to act like they were better than him without getting a fight. The girls swooned over him, and the boys wanted to be him, or at least be in his circle. The thing about Wes, was that he was my worst enemy. He was the one I was more than happy to get away from when we moved to California, but then suddenly, he was back, and God only knew what would happen with him back.

The last time I saw Wes still shook me to the core. It was so traumatizing, I couldn't think about it without throwing up. I swore I would never forgive him, and I would never see him again as long as I lived, but obviously, life had different plans for us.

Screw you, life.

"We better get going. Our flight leaves in two hours and the airport is thirty minutes away." Carly hugged Wes, and then his father hugged him. Once they had said their goodbyes, Carly and her husband waved at mom, dad, and I before leaving.

"I made dinner." Mom announced, grinning as she walked towards the kitchen. "You can come into the kitchen, and then after, you and Molly can catch up."

Yeah, I bet we'll be "catching up", as mom so kindly put it.

I followed mom towards the kitchen, my stomach a mess of nerves. If I was being completely honest, I hadn't been so scared of someone in my whole life, and just the fact that he would be living in my house for a while made me want to run away when I had the chance.

Wes sat at the table across from my step father, and I had no choice but to sit beside him. Hesitating, I slowly sat in the chair, but the only thing I could feel was the extreme fear rattling through every inch of me. Why had it never occurred to me that, like it had always been, Carly was not only my mother's best friend, but my enemy's mother?

Mom brought the food in, and once everything was placed on the table, she sat beside dad. She smiled at Wes as she uncovered the green beans. "I made turkey dinner, because I remembered it being your favorite. Is it still?"

"Yeah, it is." He replied, shooting her a thankful smile. "Especially yours. That was my favorite part about coming to your house."

Mom laughed, glancing at me before she handed me the bowl of mashed potatoes. "Still as sweet as you were the last time I saw you, Wes. But you don't have to flatter me. You and Molly always had a great time when you came over."

Wes? Sweet? Not even possible. He and I having a good time together? It was true at one point in time, until everything changed, and the Wes I knew faded into oblivion. Hearing mom mention us made my heart collapse, and even though I smiled at her, the feeling I felt inside overwhelmed any happiness I might have obtained from her words. Wes stiffened beside me, but then he slowly nodded, violently sticking a fork into the turkey.

For the rest of dinner, mom, dad, and Wes carried on a conversation, but I was too lost in my thoughts to follow along. Not only that, but after three years, I wasn't going to just strike up conversation. No "Hey, how have you been for the last few years? Oh, me, you ask? I've been doing fine, besides the fact you ruined my whole life. But that's fine. More stuffing?". There was only a deafening, awkward tension between us, radiating with the hatred he possessed for me.

"Molly, you barely ate anything!" Mom exclaimed, eyeing my plate, and I glanced at her. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Wes staring at me, daring me to look his way, but I couldn't build up the courage to do it. Pathetic, I know, but if you only knew what happened...

I pushed my plate away, frowning. "I'm not really hungry."

Mom stared at me for a moment, her eyebrows crinkled together, and then she nodded, diving back into conversation with Wes and dad. Once everyone was finished eating, mom started cleaning the table, and dad walked down the hall to his office to work.

"You guys can go to the living room and hang out. I have to go to the office for a bit, so I'll be back later." Mom shot us one last smile as she carried the remaining dishes into the kitchen, and then she grabbed her keys and left. I stood, walking into the living room to watch Gossip Girl again. Wes followed, sitting right beside me, not skipping a beat as he rested his hand on my thigh.

I grabbed his hand, avoiding the tingles that erupted when I touched his hand, and placed it in his lap. "Don't touch me, you perverted bastard."

Wes let out a low whistle, shaking his head. "Damn, Molly. You have a vocabulary now? I'm shocked. Good girls don't use that kind of language." He leaned closer to me, his hot breath fanning against my ear as his hand landed on my thigh again. "Then again, if my memory serves me right, you've never been a good girl."

Wes left a trail of slow, tantalizing kisses from my jaw and along my neck. My breath hitched in my throat, and I froze in my spot. Memories of the very last time I saw him flooded my mind. I instantly panicked again. I shoved Wes, causing him to fall back on the couch, and then I moved away.

"Leave me alone!"

"Molly, baby," Wes teased, shaking his head and crossing his arms as his piercing green eyes met mine. "I know you haven't forgotten the last time we were together. I don't know about you, but I'd like to pick up where I left off."

Wes snickered, standing and walking towards me. He bent down until we were face to face, his hot breath fanning against my face. "You should know I always get what I want, Molly. You're gullible, and it has always been your downfall. And now that I'm living in the same house as you again, I'm ready for some fun."

"Like hell. Your 'fun' already ended." I hissed, glaring at him, and he smirked, tilting his head. "Just leave me alone, Wes."

Wes' smirk grew bigger, and he leaned by my ear, whispering, "But my love, our 'fun' just started." 

Hi, loves!

I'm not going to do an author's note on every chapter, simply because this is a rewritten story.

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Much love, 


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