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Now Playing... You Ruin Me

A week had passed since Wes and I talked. Everything was silent when we around each other, and awkward tension filled the space between us. He hadn't done anything mean to me, and he wouldn't make eye contact. Whenever we were home, his eyes remained trained on the ground, and in school, he talked over me. I thought him ignoring me would last for a while, but when I got home from school a week after our fight, I was proved wrong.

"I need your help with this paper." He mumbled, sitting in the chair beside my desk, and I shrugged, staring at my textbook.

"Not my problem. Find someone else to help you."

"Please, Molly, just... help me." He turned my chair so I was facing him, but I refused to look at him. "If my parents see my grades, I'll be in trouble and you know how they are. I can't ask anyone else."

"Why? Because everyone else might make fun of you for needing help?" I taunted, glaring at him, before facing my desk again. "Wonder how that feels."

"No, it's because I know I'll understand better if you help." When I ignored him, he got on his knees, his hands clasped together. "Please don't make me beg. I'm too hot for that."

I rolled my eyes, fighting off a smile. "Fine. Hurry up."

I helped him through trigonometry and French, and once we were done, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks." He mumbled as I stood, grabbing my dance bag and walking out of my room.

When I reached the dance studio, the girls were already there, stretching in the middle of the floor. When Miss. Lauren walked in, we stood.

"Hello girls!" She greeted, a smile plastered on her face. "I have good news."

She motioned for us to gather in a circle. "We were invited to a competition that could take us to nationals!" All of us cheered, and once we were quiet again, her smile grew wider. "And I have decided the captain of our team."

I glanced at GiGi, and she smirked. Sighing, I faced Miss. Lauren again, preparing myself for the obvious.

"Congratulations, Molly!"

Well, that certainly wasn't the obvious.

The team cheered for me, and I smiled, thanking them all. GiGi stood to the side, her jaw ticking as she crossed her arms over her chest. I had to admit, there was a little satisfaction in her reaction.

"Miss. Lauren, I think you made a mistake." She hissed, and Miss. Lauren chuckled.

"No, I think I made the right choice." She faced me, smiling widely. "Go ahead, Molly. Lead your team."

Shooting her a grateful smile, I faced the girls. "Let's run through the dance and perfect the parts we need to work on."

The girls got into their starting positions before doing the dance. Once they ended in their poses, we worked on sharpness, certain moves that needed toning, and then we performed it as a group. Once practice ended, I went home, only for GiGi pull in behind me. When I walked into the house, Wes was watching from the window, clad in a pair of gray sweatpants and no shirt. I ran to my room, took a quick shower, and changed into comfier clothes before sitting on my bedroom window couch, reading a book. Halfway through my chapter, Wes walked in and closed the door.

"What do you want?"

He sat in front of me. "You need to let GiGi be captain." I glanced at him, my eyebrows raised, and he sighed. "She cried because you got it, and it hurts me to see her upset. Be the bigger person and let her have it."

I irritatedly chuckled. "No. I worked hard for this."

He groaned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Quit being so damn selfish, Molly!"

"I'm not going to give up something I've wanted my whole life just because your girlfriend didn't get her way for once." Wes glared at me. "Can't you just be happy for me?"

When he didn't answer, I rolled my eyes, walking away. "Didn't think so."

I walked out of my room, grabbing my keys before making my way to the front door.

"Where are you going?" He hollered behind me. I ripped the door open.

"Anywhere but here."


When I came back home, GiGi was still there.

I walked into the living room to see them making out on the couch, and I rolled my eyes, walking towards the staircase.

"Look who's back." I glanced at them to see GiGi walking towards me. "I bet you bribed Miss. Lauren to make you captain. Or maybe you slept with another one of the male teachers so they would put a good word in for you."

I rolled my eyes, walking towards the stairs, but she wasn't having it. "Don't you think that's what happened, Wes?"

I turned around, waiting for his response, but all he did was stare at me. Shaking my head, I faced GiGi. "Is that why you're here? Because you can't grow up and accept that you can't always get what you want?"

"You mean like how I got Wes and you didn't?"

Something in me snapped, and I shoved her, anger boiling in my veins. "Screw you, GiGi."

Her eyes flashed red, and she shoved me back. Suddenly, we were throwing fists as each other, pulling the other's hair, clawing at whatever part we could. I didn't know what overtook me, but I was sick of everyone always walking over me and thinking they could push me around. Before I knew it, I was being ripped away from GiGi, and when I glanced over my shoulder, I saw Wes. His arms were wrapped around my waist as he pulled me away from her, and I thrashed in his arms. "Let me go, Wes!"

"GiGi, go home." He said, ignoring me as I continued to squirm in his arms. Her jaw dropped as she tried to walk towards Wes, but he backed away. "Just go. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

She hesitated for a minute before storming out the door, making sure to slam it. I hit Wes' arms, trying my best to get away from him. He sighed, twisting me around in his arms. "Would you calm down? I'm trying to help you."

"Screw you!" I screamed, pushing his chest, but he still held me. "You're on her side. Don't act like you're doing something heroic for me."

Wes stared at me before his arms dropped from me. I watched as he walked to the couch, grabbed his jacket, pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. He walked out the front door, and I glanced at what he handed me. It was a card. Inside, Wes' handwriting was scribbled under the card's pre-written endearments.

Congratulations, Molly. Sorry for making you think I wasn't happy for you. You deserved this. -Wes

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