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Now Playing... The Mess I Made 

     When mom pulled in the driveway after the game, I was the first to wake up. My arms were wrapped tightly around Wes' torso, and his were just as tight around my small frame, while his head rest atop mine. I quickly but gently escaped his grip and ran inside the house to my room, making sure to lock the door.

The next day, I stayed in my room until Wes left for school. Nikki had texted me, telling me to relax, but it was hard when I lived with the person who continuously ruined my life. Going downstairs, I spent some time watching Netflix and working on homework. I had just started season two of Gossip Girl when Wes walked through the front door towards his room. When he came back downstairs, he was shirtless and had a pair of gray sweatpants on, hanging right below his v-line. His phone laid between his shoulder and ear, his eyes narrowed.

"I don't care, Katie! GiGi left me because of you!" He paused, glancing at me, before he looked away. "Whatever bye."

And then he disappeared into the kitchen.

I laid down on the couch, watching the TV, but then I started hiccuping excessively. Taking a few deep breaths, I tried to prevent what I knew could happen, but it didn't work, and suddenly, my heart started racing. It kept going faster and faster, and when I tried to sit up, I collapsed on the couch, completely weak from the episode. My heart pounded faster and faster as if it would beat out of my chest, and I panicked. I used to get episodes because of my heart disease all the time, but none of them had been as bad as they one I had that day.

Closing my eyes, I continued taking deep breaths and even coughed a couple times, but my heart kept pounding faster. Everytime I would try to sit up, my body wouldn't work with me.

"Molly, where's the--" Wes walked into the room, and when his eyes landed on me, panic flashed in them, and he ran to me. "Your lips are blue! What the hell is happening!?"

I blew out a breath. "M-my h-heart... call the a-ambulance..."

Wes immediately pulled out his phone, dialing 911, while I remained laying on the couch, my eyes closed. I could faintly hear him talking to someone, but my hearing and vision were going in and out, as if I wasn't even there. The one thing I felt was Wes' hand wrapping around mine, and his thumb caressing my skin gently.

The next couple minutes felt like an eternity. Red and blue lights flashed to my left as sirens blared, and the warmth of Wes' hand suddenly left, making me cry. Not because he left, but because I was scared of being alone, especially when I had an episode. When he returned, he had his jacket in his hands and helped me slide my arms into the holes, and then he laid me back down as another person walked in beside him.

"Alright, Molly, I'm going to hook you up to see where your rate is at." The EMT said, and I nodded with all the strength in me. Wes continued to hold my hand while the EMT hooked up the heart monitor. "She's at 267 and climbing, we need to get her to the hospital now. I'm going to bring the stretcher in."

"I'll carry her." Wes replied, and the EMT left the room. Wes hooked his arms under my legs and back, and he held me tightly against him. When we reached the ambulance, he gently laid me down on the stretcher, sitting down on the seat beside it. The EMT started hooking me up to the machines.

"Wes..." I whispered, struggling to keep my eyes open. "Y-you don't h-have t-to g-go.."

He shook his head. "Keep quiet, Molls. It's gonna be okay."

"We need to get her jacket off and her sleeves rolled up. I have to put the IV in for the medicine." The EMT moved to the opposite side of Wes, and the both of them took off my jacket. The EMT rolled up one of my sleeves, while Wes rolled up the other, and I was okay with it until I felt Wes' fingers brushing across my wrist, and I realized he had never knew about the scars littered all over my wrists. A lump formed in my throat as I looked at him, and when I saw the look on his face, I almost cried. The way the pain sat in his eyes, confusion laced through it, as if I had just hurt him more than anything ever could. He looked away from me for a moment, and when he looked at me again, his eyes were glassy as if he was about to cry. He continued to gently caress my scars, but it broke me beyond compare.

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