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Now Playing... I Knew You Were Trouble 

    Nightmares always seemed too drastic to be real. Before Wes returned, I often had nightmares of him standing in my room at the end of my bed, that wicked smirk plastered on his face, and then when I least expected it, when I let my guard down most, he attacked. He was always doing something different to me in every dream, ranging from physically hurting me, to taunting me until I broke, but every time I woke up, I always knew they were too surreal to be true, because the Wes I knew wouldn't do that to me. He was too far away to even try.

But the night before had been an eye-opener.

Once I calmed down enough to function, Wes stood, allowing me to wrap my legs and arms around him, and as he carried me to my room, I kept my head buried in the crook of his neck, still too shaken up to speak. He laid me down in my bed and covered me up with my blanket, but I was too paranoid to sleep, and apparently he was too full of regret to leave me. The whole night, Wes sat beside me, running his fingers through my hair. He never uttered a single word, but his actions spoke for him.

When I finally did fall asleep, I only stayed asleep for about an hour before I awoke again and lazily climbed out of bed. As I walked downstairs, I noticed how eerily quiet the house was. Wes was usually awake by then, and I usually found him in the living room watching NCIS reruns as he ate a bowl of honey smacks. But as I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I found a note sitting on the edge of the island.

Went out with GiGi. Go check your truck.

P.S.- Don't expect me to be nice again.

Walking out the front door, my truck sat in the driveway, and to my surprise, it was completely spotless. There was no more spray paint on the side, the bed was empty, and it even looked like it had been washed. A small smile grew on my face. I knew Wes still had good in him-- even if it took me nearly plummeting to my death for him to show it.


When the afternoon came around, it was finally time for dance class. It was the only days I looked forward to during the week, so to say I was content after the night before was an understatement. As I walked into the studio and placed my bag against the wall, I turned around to see GiGi and some of the other girls stretching in the middle of the floor. When I glanced up at the viewing room where the parents usually sat during our practices, my heart dropped when my eyes locked with those familiar green orbs.

Wes was there. And for some odd reason, he was watching me intently.

Sitting down, I began stretching, attempting to take my mind off who was there. It was hard to ignore the way his eyes burned into me, even with a whole floor and glass window separating us. When I glanced to my left, GiGi was smirking at me, as if she knew what had happened. Honestly, it wouldn't have surprised me if Wes had told her about it. Hell, he probably laughed about it too.

"Alright, girls!" Our dance coach, Miss. Lauren called out as she walked into the room. "Get into your positions!"

Our practice that day was a group day, which meant that we rehearsed the group number and avoided solos. The group dance was to the song "Gibberish", and it involved a lot of hip hop and jazz. After running it three times, we finally had it perfected, and once we finished, we all sat down, taking a breather and grabbing a drink.

Miss. Lauren stood in front of us, smiling. "That was great, girls. I want to do groups now just to see if there's anything else we need to fix. Chai and Rachel, you'll go first. Raini and Nicolette, you'll be after them, and Molly and GiGi will be last."

Ah, yes. I always loved being paired with the devil's girl.

All of us except for Chai and Rachel moved to sit against the wall. They did well, but they needed to work on their sharpness. Dull moves were bad for a dancer, simply because it made it hard for the audience to understand what move they were trying to do. You either did a move so sharp it gave you whip lash, or you looked like a string doll being controlled from above. Raini and Nikki (that was her nickname, since she hated her full name) went next, and they did great. Anytime Nikki danced, she stole the show, and it was one of the things that made me proud to be her best friend.

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