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Now Playing... Burning House

    "You've never been kissed?" Wes questioned, and I nodded, causing him to laugh. "You're almost fifteen! How have you never kissed anyone?"

I glared. "I just haven't found a guy that interests me. Now, can you help me? It's my first date with Brandon and I'm really nervous."

Brandon was kind of a geek, but he was sweet and adorable. His rectangular glasses made his face look cute, and not like a baby, but like those tumblr guys who wore the glasses everyone had deemed as geeky but stylish. He wore jeans and polos a lot, but he never let those kind of things define him. He was nice and funny, and that was what I liked best about him.

"Brandon? As in Brandon Meek?" Wes' eyebrows crinkled together before he busted out in laughter. "You mean the nerdiest guy at our school?"

I pouted. "This isn't helping."

He sobered up, smiling softly at me. "Alright, fine. I'll help you. First, you should look into his eyes, like this."

Wes' vibrant green eyes burned into me, and I gazed back with the same velocity.

"Then, you should start to lean in slowly, like this..."

Wes leaned in as slow as possible, his warm, minty breath fanning my face as his eyes flickered between my eyes and lips. Suddenly, my breath grew ragged, but all I could do was focus on him and his proximity.

"And then..." His eyes met mine once more. "You... kiss him..."

His lips brushed innocently against mine...

And then I woke up.

I looked around my room, noticing how the dark shadows still remained in their places like they had before I fell asleep. Letting out a deep breath, I closed my eyes, thinking about that day I had my first kiss. Although, I had never imagined it would've been with my best friend.

Climbing out of bed, I grabbed my phone, only to see it was seven in the evening, meaning I must've fallen asleep when we got home from school. Just before I walked out of my room, my phone rang, and when I looked at the screen, mom's picture flashed on it.


"Hey, sweetheart." She paused, and I could hear paper rustling in the background. "I'm stuck at work right now, but I just wanted to call and tell you to lock all the doors. The neighbor's house down the block just got robbed, so be careful. Call me or David if anything happens."

"Alright. What time will you be home?"

She sighed. "I'm not sure. I'll try to be there as soon as possible. I'm sorry, Molly. I love you."

Mom hung up, and I sighed as I walked downstairs. Nova was sitting in the living room watching Beauty and the Beast, so I sat beside her and watched it too.

"Where's Wes?"

She glanced at me. "With his girlfriend."

My heart dropped. I knew there was only two girls it could've been-- either GiGi or Katie-- and as much as I disliked GiGi, I really hoped it wasn't the latter. I knew I couldn't control who Wes went out with, but after everything that had happened with Katie... I just hoped he wouldn't stoop that low and hurt me, even if he didn't mean to.

The movie was at its climax when Wes walked through the door with a big grin plastered on his face. His hair was messily tousled, and his shirt was half unbuttoned. He ran upstairs, and after a few seconds, his shower turned on, and I sighed as Nova crawled onto my lap, burying her head in my chest.

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