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Now Playing... I'll Think About You 

    Two days had passed since Nikki died.

The hole in my heart from her absence seemed as if it would never stop growing, and with each day that passed, I expected her to walk through my bedroom door, her big grin plastered on her face as she handed me the food she bought for us to gossip over. I waited for her to sit down on my bed and tease me about "lover boy" before her laugh would boom through the room, her eyes bright as ever. But she never did. She never walked through that door.

"Come on, Molly." Wes sat beside me on my bed. You have to get up today."

I buried my head into my pillow. "I don't want to. Try again later."

He chuckled, pulling me so I was sitting up. "Hilarious. Now get dressed, the memorial service at school starts in an hour. We can leave right after."

Just before Wes tried to stand, I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my face against his back. He sighed, his hands wrapping around my arms. "I know it hurts, Molls. It probably always will. But there's nothing you can do to change it. You know if I could, I'd bring her back for you. But I can't. All you can do is remember her the way you always have."

I chuckled quietly, remembering his words from fourth period the day she passed away. A single tear trickled down my cheek. "When did you get so wise?"

"It's a talent." He chuckled as he stood, a soft smile on his lips. Before he left, he sniffed the air, his nose wrinkling. "You might wanna take a shower. It's not smelling too fresh in here."

I rolled my eyes, mustering up the best smile I could. "Wow. Thanks for making me feel better."

He winked as he opened my bedroom door. "Just helping you out, baby doll."

Once he left, I grabbed a change of clothes and hopped in the shower. As the water fell over my shoulders, I remembered the last conversation I had with Nikki. I had been curling my hair, and she sat on the edge of the tub, a lollipop stick hanging from her mouth as she smirked at me.

"So, you and Wes... ever dated him?" She questioned, and I nearly dropped the curling iron.

"Hell no." I fake gagged, and she laughed. I laughed with her. "He was just my best friend. I wouldn't have wanted him as anything more."

She leaned against the wall, her eyes still locked on mine through the mirror. "Had you ever thought about what it would've been like? You know, to be with him."

I rolled a piece of hair around the wand, letting out a sigh. I would've been lying if I said I hadn't. And if I was being honest, I think most girls with a guy best friend always thought about what a relationship would be like with their guy best friend. When it came to Wes, though, I always came to the conclusion that I would rather have him as my best friend than to lose him over a relationship that wasn't guaranteed to last forever.

But I ended up losing him in the end anyway.

"I have. But we always fit better as friends, so I pushed it away." I smirked at her. "How about you? Have any guy friends you wanted a relationship with?"

She rolled her eyes, the corner of her mouth quirking up. "You already know I have my heart set on one man and one man only."

"I love you to death, Nikki, but the odds of you ending up with Kim Namjoon are slim to none."

Nikki busted out laughing, her eyes shining brightly. I had always found it so easy to laugh around her, and there was never a dull moment when she was around. When she finally sobered up, she stood beside me, smiling widely. "Never say never, Molls. Maybe I'll end up with Joonie and you'll end up with Wes."

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