Chapter 25 - Unexpected Meetings

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"Mam please walk through gate no. 2 there is media on the front porch ."
A security personal guides me to the front and I hold Zayns hand even more tightly .
Media is the last thing I would like to face right now .
I wear my sunglasses and adjust my bag. We spot the car in the front and get in.
Zayn helps me to get my bag up the stairs . I take out my keys from my bag and put them in . Surprisingly , I find my door open .
I gulp .
"Zayn , the door isn't locked ." Fear strikes my face.
Zayn pulls me back and enters first . He opens the door and indicates me to come inside.
Suddenly all colour vanishes out of Zayns face as he points towards the couch .
I turn around and see . My face changes slightly and I yell out in shock
" Mom and dad ??? What are you doing here ??"
My mom and dad are seated across the couch with a cup of tea in hand . They are surrounded by a old man , a woman possibly his wife and a young lad of my age .
" Who are they ? Mum what are you guys doing here ? How can you come unannounced ?"
My mum glances at me and then sees Zayn behind me. She sends him a disapproving look causing Zayn to step back .
" where have you been miss ?" My mum speakers for the first time
" I told you guys that I was going to Bora Bora for a week ."
"And you didn't even care to ask us if we allow you or not ?"
" mom I'm 23 not 5" I yell . How can she be like this to me . I am a young independent women and I do not need anybody's permissions for anything !!
" okay you do not need permissions but was it necessary to go out with him ??" She points out Zayn
"MOM ! " I spit in anger
" put your volume down young lady . "
" and who the hell are they ?"
" oh my goodness I almost forgot to introduce .
Kate meet Mr and Mrs Sanchez . They own a financial firm that goes by the name ' Sanchez and co. '  A big one I must say . His son heads it now though . And now finally meet Alexis Sanchez .
Your future husband
And those three words changed my life

Cliffhanger xxx
Alexis Sanchez is a footballer who plays for Arsenal .
Photo on the side .
Drama coming soon 👑

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