Chapter 9 - Homely Dates

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KATE'S POV *----

Yes I did ask Zayn to come over since I was getting really bored. I had already finished watching movies like 'The Notebook' , 'Just Like Heaven' etc. I didn't really wanna spend the day alone so I asked him to come over considering the fact that he wanted to spend some time too. However , much work had to be done. So I began with the cleaning thing.

Though I live alone in such a big house , I don't really appreciate the concept of having maids or servants . I just had a body guard , which had been provided to me by the Cosmo . I insisted on the fact that I didn't need one at all but I had to.

I began cleaning the rooms, changing the sheets , dusting and brooming. I switched on my I pod and hit the playlist named - 'Anytime , Anywhere' . The trance music started and I tapped along , humming continuously while working.

Next , I had to decide the menu. I really didn't know his choice but I do remember him mentioning that he like chicken items. So , I decided to stick on - Chicken Curry , vegetable stew , Indian breads , artichoke salad and for dessert chocolate cupcakes.

When I was noting down the menu my phone started to ring. Caller ID - Mom

"Hey mom !"

"Good Afternoon my child , what are you doing ?"

"Um.. nothing much I guess"

"Oh come on ! don't tell me that you are having another lazy Sunday"

" Actually I was , till I decided to have Zayn over for dinner "

"Oh ! the zaynie boy that you talked about the other day to your dad ?"

"Yeah that one "

She ooed .Boy , I hope she didn't get me wrong "Is he staying over ?"

"What ?? No ! mom he is just coming over for dinner!"

"Well okay then , but you know what ? I don't really like this boy !"

"So what ?" I asked really pissed off.

"I get negative vibes from him "

" Mom! you haven't even met him !" I protested considering the fact that they lived in India which was like miles away .

"I know , I haven't really met him but I saw the photoshoots and he looks like a bad boy "

"For your kind information that bad boy actually makes me happy "

"Cut the crap , be practical . He won't be there in the long run "

"Well how do you know that ? "

"I just do !"

"You are so full of preconceptions" I said with a voice full of annoyance "Goodbye and thanks a lot for spoiling my mood " And I hung up.

She was always rude to me , she never actually considered any of my choices and statement . She was extremely dominating over my father so he rarely made decisions of his own. He always used the tagline 'Mom Is the Captain ' and it disgusted me in every sense.

I actually felt like an over protective girl friend standing up for my man.

I figured that I needed a short nap to get over this shitty mood.


I woke up and realised that I was late . I started the cooking preparations first . I made the dough , the curry and stuff . I headed towards the dinning table and quickly laid the cutlery . I neatly folded the napkins and cleaned the plates and the silver spoons and forks until they were shining . I ensured that the place was spotless.

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