Chapter 10- Confronting Feelings

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Author's Note
Hello ! I am back with another update. I am really happy to see that you guys actually appreciate the fact that I am getting faster in updating :)
Well a very happy birthday to Jawaad ! I hope he has a blast today :)
And finally the moment we all have been waiting for arrived ! They admitted their feelings ! OMG I am getting Zate feels <3
You know the drill -->
P.S - did anybody see the shirtless pics of Zayn while he was in Brazil ? So Hot !

KATE'S POV *-----

Yesterday couldn't be better. We both confessed our feelings and I was glad to know that the feelings were mutual. Zayn was my everything now . The way we kissed passionately made me feel that he was the one who could and actually has kept me happy. I felt so safe and protected in his arms . I did not want to rush things like Samaira and Jawaad , we wanted to test the deep waters first. I've never felt in love before. I never knew that the feelings would be so magical . People say Love hurts and I know it does because I've seen people dying to be with one another.

When we both confessed our love and when he proposed me to be his girlfriend I never thought about what my family will say ? about how his family would react ? How the paps will screw us with their cameras and tacky questions ? how will the fans react ? Will they love me ? My brain asked a million questions but my heart never considered them important and my heart actually won . It is said that when we take actions by the will of the heart there will be consequences but those which you will love to achieve. I was ready to face these consequences , I was ready to face the challenges . I was ready to be with him . I was true to my love and I will be forever Because first love is always special.

ZAYN'S POV *----

I've never been in love before , I've never had a girlfriend. I'd always see Louis and Eleanor so happy together. He actually told be that being in love is the nicest feeling in the world and it was true. Your mind can't get off about the thoughts of your partner. Then there was Liam and Sophia who were so understanding towards each other and had a deep feeling.

I have seen my mom and dad as an extremely happy couple and they taught me that you and your partner should be ready to face any ordeal and I was. I was ready to face the paps , my mates , my family , her family and of course the fans .

KATE'S POV *----

A pair of strong arms were wrapped around my waist as I kept myself warm under the blankets . My eyes opened and the scene was fogged . I slowly adjusted to the bright sunlight dancing around my room. I turned my body towards the other side and a man with black messy hair lay there sleeping peacefully. The site was marvellous and poise . Zayn looked adorable while sleeping . Definitely the most peaceful site ever.

Yesterday after our little romantic moment he lifted me up in his warm arms and carried me to the way back . After which we cuddled up till we eventually feel asleep in each others arms.

I lifted myself up removing the sheets and gave Zayn a kiss on the cheek. I changed into some comfy pajamas and brushed my teeth . I walked over to the kitchen area to make some breakfast for Zayn and myself. I decided on some pancakes and maple syrup.

I carefully put on the stove and started to prepare the batter . Suddenly I felt a pair of warm yet strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind . I also felt a pair of warm lips against my skin.

"Good morning , love !"

"Good morning baby " I said kissing him on the lips . I could feel him smile between the kiss. "I am making some pancakes for breakfast ? is it okay ?"

"Ya , of course . I like extra chocolate syrup on mine "

"Sure thing "

I made the batter as fine as I could and evenly spread it on the pan . I then flipped them until they were brown in colour . I perfectly topped them with our favourite syrups .

"Yummy !" He said as he took his first bite. "You're making me fall in love with you again and again with your cooking skills "

"Aw... well I strictly follow the tagline 'A mans heart is found on the way to his stomach ' "

He laughed and then began eating again.

Suddenly Zayn's phone started to ring.

ZAYN'S POV *----

My phone began ringing and I picked it up. Caller ID - Liam

"Hey mate !" Liam stated.

"Liam ! buddy whats up ?"

"Mate , I haven't seen you in days ! where have you been ?"

"A lot at home actually , trying to have a relaxing weekend "

"Oh , well sorry to disturb the family time but Paul just called , he wants us to be there for the rehearsals today "

"Oh crap ! Are you kidding me ?"

"I hope I did , but no I am not . Come over by 10:00"

"Oh boy ! its 8:30 already and I am still having breakfast in my pajamas "

"The same is with me , I thought I'd spend some time with Sophia but damn Paul spoiled it all "

"What to do mate ? its his job !"

"He's taking it too seriously I think "

I giggled "Yeah ! well I guess I'll see you then good bye "

"Yeah , good bye "

I placed my phone down.

"What happened ?" Kate asked with concern in her eyes.

"I thought I'd spend some time with you but I guess I need to go , Paul wants us there for rehearsal ."

"Oh ! I am sorry but maybe we could spend a day together tomorrow?"

"Yeah ! that would be good . I really don't want to go love "

"Oh come on romeo !" She teased "Go conquer the world !"

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