Chapter 5- New relationships

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ZAYN'S POV *------

so I finally gathered all the courage I had to ask her to come with me on the dance floor.

The music was bashing loud and the lights were bright and neon. There was a little rush on the dance floor and as a result Kate and I had our bodies very close to each other. Thank god nobody recognized me !

Kate looked so great while dancing . Her body swayed right and left perfectly. I placed my hand on her back. At first she hesitated to keep it around my neck but later she did.

We had a great time dancing . I mean gosh how can one be so perfect even while dancing . Whenever both our eyes met she gave me a big warm smile . After about half an hour of serious sweating out on the dance floor I asked her

"You're really good at this "

"Thanks , you're not so bad yourself"

"I am thirsty wanna have a drink ?"

"Yeah sure !"

And we walked over to the bar to have a drink for ourselves. Suddenly she grabbed my hand and pushed me towards her.

"Where is Jawaad and Samaira ?"

I searched for them on the dance floor but I couldn't find them. Then my sight shifted to the bar couch , where both of them sat. I pointed them so that Kate could see them.

"There they are , over on the bar couch" I smirked

"Oh my goodness ! " Yeah after what we saw this was the correct thing to describe the situation.

KATE'S POV *-----

"Oh my goodness !" Yeah I actually ran out of words by what I saw . Samaira and Jawaad were extremely close to each other , I believe only inches apart. I mean come on how can one be so close only when they met like 3 hours ago !? Samaira wasn't that type actually , one night standers ! No she wasn't ! and by Zayn's personality I don't think even his brother would be like that . So , I think they were in love ! but hello ! its just like 3 hours but wait that is what happened with me too , the photoshoot ! but yeah I wasn't drunk. I was woken up by my thoughts by Zayn

He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes and I realised that I had been staring them.

"Are you okay ?"

"Y-y-yeah !"

"Then let's go have a drink "

Zayn acted as if he saw nothing ! maybe I was making a mess out of it unnecessarily.

JAWAAD'S POV*-------

I never felt so attached to someone like I felt an attachment towards Samaira . I mean she is just perfect , she is beautiful , funny , and gorgeous. I know it had been just a few hours but still ! I could see it in her beautiful eyes. She was extremely close to me and I did not even touch her because I know that she trusts me .

"I like you Samaira " I spoke up

"You know what Jawaad even though it has been only a few hours but I like you too"

Her eyes were shinning and her warm smile made me forget everything . I just kept looking at her face admiring her every perfection


I fell in love with Jawaad that very moment when he admitted that he liked me . I know people might think that I was drunk but I don't care. I don't think you need to be in your senses to realise that you're in love.

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