13. Baby It's Cold Outside

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"I've created a masterpiece" Silver cooed, gesturing towards me.
"Okay Silv, I'm not that ugly without makeup"
"That's true, -you're gorgeous- but with the dress and the hair... If I were a guy, specifically Elijah, I would go there" she paused before adding "Several times".

Suddenly I became very nervous, I was going to see Elijah. I wanted to impress him. I wanted him to have to catch his breath, the way I do every time I see him.
"I still think you should have gone for the cleavage dress, that's how you really get a guy's attention" Erika said, scanning the busy dance hall.

It was decorated floor to ceiling with ice themed details. White and silver colours shone through the room, illuminating it and becoming reminiscent of the inside of an igloo. Lexington High did not spare any expense when it came to dances.
"Thanks for your helpful input Erika, I'll be sure to leave my dignity at home next time" I replied sarcastically, above the music.

My dress was pure white, contrasting the bright red of the lipstick Silver had chosen for me. Since Silver and I had known each other we had an understanding that I would never wear silver to a dance because that was her 'thing', hence my white dress. I didn't mind though, the dress was beautiful, albeit a little revealing as it was backless.

"I thought you were joking when you said you were a girl" whispered a husky voice in my ear as a cool hand settled on the bare skin at the small of my back. I instantly felt goosebumps rise all over my body, how could Elijah do that with just a few words and one touch.

I turned to face him and instantly felt myself blush as his eyes inspected my body, taking in every inch of my body, like he was concentrating hard on a canvas in a museum.
"Yep. You're definitely female"
"Thanks for the diagnosis, doc" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You look good in white" he smiled at me, it was a genuine compliment and it took me by surprise.
"Thank you" I murmured, biting down on my lip, suddenly shy because of the attention he was paying to me.
"You look like a ghost, sis" Riley said dismissively as he bypassed me and went straight to Silver.

"You, me, dance floor. I'll show you the time of your life, darling" Riley ordered, disgustingly confidently. I saw Erika widened her eyes, but by this time Silver was used to his odd personality.
"No lifts, Patrick Swayze" she commanded, leading the way to the dance floor as he followed like a loyal Labrador.

"May I have the honour of dancing with you, Peyton?" Asked Vincent, who looked dashing in his suit. Before I could agree Elijah wrapped his arm tightly around my waist.
"She'll be dancing with me" he said in a stern voice which Vincent didn't dare to question.

"Dance with Erika". At his orders, Vincent looked over at Erika hopefully who simply rolled her eyes before grabbing his harshly by the hand.
"If your hand wanders to my butt I will hurt you, okay eyebrows?" she led away a terrified looking Vincent.

I couldn't help the little flutter of my heart as Elijah led me across the dance floor, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist. For a brief moment it felt as though we were a couple, like he was proud to have me on his arm. Of course I had to dismiss these thoughts before my heart ran away from me.

He took me to the middle of the dance floor and took my small hand into his big one, his hand still resting at the small of my back. I placed my hand steady on his arm, not missing the opportunity to fondle his impressive muscles. He began to lead me and I was surprised by his dancing ability, I followed him, stepping from side to side in a circle, he actually seemed to be enjoying himself. My mind was swirling at the closeness of our bodies, there was little distance between us.

"Who knew you could dance. Oh wait, I did. Twinkle toes." I chuckled, hoping to make the situation more light-hearted before I did something stupid and attacked him with my lips.
"I have many talents you don't know about Peyton" he smirked at me.

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