17. What's The Problem?

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"And once again I take the title of video game champion. It's very unfortunate for you Riley" I said, standing up and facing a room full of my brothers "But unfortunately, when you mess with the bull, you get the horns!" I yelled, creating fake horns and charging at him. He caught my hands and grabbed me, wrestling me to the ground.

"Why are you such a sore winner" he said through gritted teeth as he struggled to hold me down.
"Why are you a sore loser!" I replied, somehow managing to flip him over.
"Boys! Help me! She's gone full she-devil!" Riley cried as I wrestled him. Ethan, Elliot and Hunter were in town for a family catch-up dinner, but it was Blake who came to Riley's aid.  

"I've got you brother!" Blake called, attempting to pull me away, but it only resulted in me throwing my elbow into his chest.
"Hunter!" Blake cried as he rubbed his chest where I had hit him. Hunter just sighed, he wouldn't get involved unless he was going to help me win and at that moment I didn't need any help.

Most of my brothers looked bored by the ordeal, but Kai joined Riley and Blake in their pursuit to overcome me. I was doing pretty well, defending myself, dodging their tackles. And then the atmosphere in the room changed and I was caught off guard as I saw Eli standing in the doorway.

A fist hit my chest and sent me hurtling backwards, it all happened so quickly.
"That wasn't supposed to hit you! You were dodging them so well!" Kai instantly began grovelling. Hunter leapt out of his seat and grab Kai, twisting him into a head lock.
"Say you're sorry!" He ordered sternly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Kai wept, frightened for his life.

Even though it was Kai who had hit me I entirely blamed Elijah for walking in at the wrong time. And for being so distractingly beautiful. As the pain of the attack wore away, a feeling of anxiousness replaced it. Eli was in a room of my brothers and not 24 hours earlier we were making out like our lives depended on it!

"Is this a bad time?" He asked, scratching the back of head. He was trying hard to not look at me, but every now and then he would steal a glance in my direction. I was certain that my face was redder than a tomato and I was petrified that I would do or say something that would make it obvious that I had my tongue down Elijah's throat.

"Not at all, Kai is just paying the price for hurting my little sister" Hunter said pointedly, before slamming Kai to the ground, leaving him a weeping heap. I swear I saw Elijah gulp.
"Are you staying for dinner Eli? Elliot bought his hot girlfriend" Seb pointed out, I thanked god they were in the kitchen helping dad. I gave Eli a look that said "Absolutely not".

"Uh no, I just came to drop off those games" he told Sebastian, looking as guilty as I felt.
"No! You've got to stay! I feel like I hardly know you and you're practically family now" Ethan said, standing up and throwing his arm around Eli, although he struggled as Eli was significantly taller. Practically family?! Oh god they knew! His eyes widened as well as mine.
"Dad says your here so often that you might as well have your own room" Eth chuckled as Eli visibly relaxed.

"I'm sure Eli has to get home to his family? Don't you?" I spoke to him directly, trying to send him a telepathic message with my eyes.
"Yeah, I-" he began but Ethan cut him off.
"No, you're staying. You can't miss Brooke's cooking and that is final."

And that's how, a while later, I was sat at a table, surrounded by my brothers and sat opposite Eli who looked guiltier than a kid who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"This is delicious Brooke, where did you learn to cook?" Taking another huge bite of the mashed potatoes. I was hoping that the more food I shovelled into my mouth the less nervous I would feel. I couldn't help it though, every time I looked at Elijah I turned red because all I could picture was my hands running through his hair and his strong arms pulling me close to him. Every time I remembered the kiss I got hot and flustered at the image.

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