Goodbye America

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I lugged my heavy bags to the airport with my boyfriend's help at five in the morning. I wasn't too sad to leave. He swore he'd miss me, but I didn't believe him. We've been back and forth for a year now. The only thing that wouldn't let me let go of him was my own selfish pride.

"This is it, baby," he smiled at me.

"Thanks again for helping me with the suitcases," I smiled.

"Anything for my baby girl," he smiled at me. He lowered his face closer to mine to kiss me, but I purposefully turned my head to the side so he'd kiss my cheek.

"Bye, Dante!" I patted him on the shoulder and ran towards my destination. I didn't mean to give him the cold shoulder, I just wanted him to understand that by starting this new chapter in my life I would probably include less of him. I just don't do well with breaking up with guys. I never have.

The flight to Seoul was a long and grueling twelve hours. I spent most of my time on the plane brushing up on my Korean, and figuring out what the music school had to offer. I got accepted into a Korean school of arts! I still couldn't believe it, it seemed like a dream. I'd sent my audition tape to them about five months ago. They were impressed by my dancing and singing, and my ability to speak Korean and apparently my "charm". The reason I chose Korea is because it's a place I've always dreamed of going and admire the talent there. It's beautiful, and I was ready to embrace a new culture.

I arrived at about 11 a.m. I found my way to my hotel through transportation and instantly plopped down on the mattress.

"I made it!" I squealed. After lounging for a good half an hour , I was ready to freshen up and begin to explore Korea and all its beauty. I was only wrapped in my towel when there was a knocking on my room door.

"Ms. Henderson?" said the voice.

"Would it be dumb if I answered?" I thought. "Well it's your first day in Korea.. the only person in this hotel who would know your name would be an employee right?"

I had a few fears about being in a foreign country, but I went with my gut and threw on a robe to open the door just a crack.
"Yes, can I help-" I paused and admired how handsome the guy in front of me was. He was tall, slender, and brown haired with bangs. I was snapped out of my daze when I noticed him trying not to look directly at me in my robe. Embarrassed, I narrowed the crack in between the door.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized.

"No need to apologize, really," I chuckled nervously. "What is it you needed?"

"I'm from the Seoul's Academy of Performing Arts. I was sent by our teacher on a mission while you're here to be your tour guide."

"Ah." I suddenly remembered the email I'd gotten saying that I'd get a tour guide upon my visit, but I had no idea it'd be so soon, nor did I know I wasn't going to get a call in advance.

"Well, I should be ready in a minute. Do you want to have a se-"

"I'm okay," he smiled. "I'm room 264, two doors down from you. You can just knock when you're ready."

"O-okay," I said still admiring his features. "Hey!" I yelled as he started making his way down the hall. "I didn't get your name."

"Taehyung," he smiled. "Kim Taehyung."

I nodded and closed my door. Damn that boy was fine. I thumped myself in the head. "Get it together Ash. You have a boyfriend," I told myself.

It only took me 45 minutes to get dressed and fix my face up a little. My hair was already straightened and softly rested on my shoulders. I grabbed my purse and headed down the hallway.

"264...264...ah! Here we are. Tour timeeeee!" I raised my hand to knock on the door, but my fist was left in mid air. He had already opened the door before I could knock. We both laughed as I dropped my hand.

"You must be a psychic," I smiled.

"I might be. Maybe I'm just good at hearing people talk to themselves. Who knows?"

I gave him a fake smile to compliment his sarcasm. I liked his personality. Our characteristics were compatible and we seemed to get along off the bat. Is it bad that I actually prayed I wouldn't get an awkward tour guide? Anyway, it was nice to know most of the people who would be attending this school spoke really good English. I hoped to only use my Korean speaking skills when I made my rounds out and about the city.

He opened the car door for me once we reached the front of the hotel.

"Gamsahabnida!" I smiled and bowed.

"Cheonman-eyo," he chuckled.

"So," I said as we puled off. "Are we going to the school first?"

"Yeah. Teacher's request."

"Ah! I'm nervous."


"It's only natural to be nervous on your first day of school Taehyung."

"I guess," he smirked. "So how long are you planning on staying?"

"I don't really have a plan yet," I shrugged. "I want to try and stay for at least a full year. If I go far in school, maybe I'll leave and come back."

"I see. What's your specialty?"

"Ah, I don't want to brag but, I'm a boss at dancing. I'd say singing is my second best talent."

"Hm. We'll see what you bring to the table today."

"You guys are gonna put me on the spot today?!"

"There's another reason for you to be nervous I guess." He laughed.

"You're funny. What do you do?"

"Me? I'm a temporary tour guide.."

"I'm serious," I rolled my eyes and nudged him.

"I'm sure you'll find out if you stick around me a little while," he smiled.

I looked down at my hands trying to hide my eagerness to know what it was he did that got him into the school. While glancing out of the window, my heart began to beat faster. The start of my new life was beginning, and God forbid, I was already crushing.

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