Jealous Julia

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I went into the other dance room and put together some dance moves that Hoseok and I could potentially use in our choreography. After a couple of hours of looking through songs and dancing had passed, I got tired and decided I'd head home since I didn't want to get too far without my partner.

"Bye Mrs. Lee," I peeked in the door and waved.

"See you later baby!" She waved kindly. I closed the door and hardly walked a good five steps until I heard footsteps behind me. A hand grabbed onto my arm. It was Jungkook.

"Hey, what's up?" I said confused.

"Hyung told me to come grab you before you left. He wants to give you a ride home."

"Tell him I'm good. I'll catch a cab," I smiled. "See you later, Kook," I saluted.

I got to the elevator and heard even harder footsteps from down the hall, this time they were running.

"Ash!" I heard Taehyung's voice. He held the elevator open. He was trying hard to catch his breath.

"Whoa, Tae. What's going on?" I chuckled at his tired expression.

"I said..I said.. I'd take you home."

"Its not that big of a dea-" I was cut off by a strong yanking out of the elevator. "You need to practice!" I took my arm out of his grip. "I'm tired and I need a shower. Don't believe me? Smell," I raised my pit for him to smell.

He shook his head and laughed and put my arm down. "I'll.. buy you lunch. Jungkook, Julia, and I are going.. and they want you to come too."

"That doesn't change the fact that I need to shower. I appreciate it though," I pinched his nose.

"Don't take too long," he swallowed, finally catching his breath. "I just might pick you up. So don't eat yet."

I winked and waved as the elevator doors clothes. I smiled to myself as I went down. It felt good to have somebody care for me, even when I didn't need it.

When I got back to the hotel, my phone rang for Facetime. It was my mom. I answered immediately.

"Momma!!" I squealed.

"Hey baby!! How's life in Korea?"

"It's great actually. I've made some good friends already and I'm going out to lunch with a few in a little bit."

"Really? I'm so glad to hear you say that. I had my fears about you going out there, but I feel reassured now. I miss you."

"I miss you too. How are my siblings?"

"They miss you so much. The twins are at a friends house and Joseph is at work."

"What are you doing at home alone? Go out! Have fun."

"Oh trust me, I have plans."

"Hmm, what are you up too miss lady?"

"I have a date."

My heart froze for a brief second. My mom hadn't seen any guys since my dad passed away six years ago. I was happy for her, but just then it hit me that we'd really been without him that long.

"D-date?" I said.

"I know it's a new thing for m-"

"I'm so happy for you mom," I smiled, reassuring her that I was totally okay with it. "You deserve to be happy more than anyone."

She smiled. "Thank you baby. So do you. Hell, you've raised my babies better than I have."

"Don't start," I laughed. "I gotta get showered and ready to go. I love you."

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