Getting To Know You (Pt. 2)

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(a/n: I posted the last chapter on accident and didn't notice until a few days later! This is the continuation, sorry again for the long waits.)

I crossed my legs on the couch and Hoseok sat back on the other side.

"Ash, I'm gonna be honest. You're one of the coolest girls I've ever met." He smiled.

"I can say the same about you. Besides the girl part of course," I chuckled.

"Thanks," he laughed. "So, we've been friends for a while now. Is there any part of Ashlyn that I don't know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I just feel like you have a story to tell."

"Doesn't everybody?"

"I guess you could say that. Am I worthy of knowing yours?"

"You really wanna know my boring life story?"

"I seriously doubt that it's boring."

"Haha, you'll change your mind after I tell you."

"Nah. So what made you want to come to Korea? Were your parents okay with it?"

"Well, my dad passed away six years ago."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. He suffered from a stroke. He was my best friend. I'm sure he'd support my decision. But anyway, my mom didn't want me to travel at first. I'm the oldest sibling of four. I have one brother, he's 16. I have twin sisters that are 10. Being  the oldest, I was always expected to do the heavy work and take care of my siblings. When we were younger, my dad was always working, but whenever he was off, he took us somewhere fun, but without my mom. When I had turned 10, my mom was battling alcohol addiction and spent a lot of time out with friends, sleeping, or at home telling me to "do this" or "do that." Because of her addiction, I spent a lot of time practically raising my siblings.  After my dad passed when I was 13, she was really depressed, but my aunt helped her and got her sent to Rehab. My aunt let us stay with her but honestly, I still felt like I was raising my siblings there. It was like she worked from 8 to 4 and came home to throw us some stuff in the microwave so she could nap, and she'd wake up later to go out with friends or these random men that would pick her up. My mom finally came back and was better when I was 16. I didn't pay much attention to her because I was bitter. Trying to balance my education with the stress of taking care of my siblings was too much to handle! But eventually, we repaired our relationship and she started to play a more active role in our lives. Not as much as I wanted her to, but I took whatever I could get at the time. So anyway, to answer your question!" I laughed. "Sorry, I got off topic."

"No, keep going." He scooted closer to me, intrigued.

"Okay," I took a sip of Soju and put the bottle on the table and scooting closer to him as well. "So about the Korea thing. She told didn't want me to leave because she just loved having me around. She felt like I understood her best because I'm older or whatever. Which could have been true, but I know she's missing the work I did around there more than anything," I joked. "But we had a long talk and she told me how proud she was of me. She told me to just go for whatever I feel I should go for. She told me she wasn't going to hold me back anymore than she has for the majority of my childhood. Honestly, the discussion I had with her brought us so much  closer. We left everything in the past, and now she's being a more responsible mother, and I'm proud of her."

"I know she's proud of  you. You're a soldier Ash!" He laughed and patted my soldier as he took a sip  of his Soju and placed it on the table.

"If you say so," I playfully batted my eyelashes.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me, seriously. I appreciate it."

"No problem. Thanks for listening," I smiled. "Wanna share yours with me?" I put my legs up on the couch and rested my head on my hand, ready to hear.

"Eh, I don't see why not," he shrugged.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you and Ha Na been living with your Uncle?"

"A couple of years now. He took us in after our parents died during their anniversary on a cruise. The boat sunk, and there were only 3 survivors."

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I had no ide-"

"It's okay," he forced a smile. "It's been hard on us. As much as it hurt me, I had to stay as strong as I could for my little sister. My uncle and I are very close, so he offered to take us in right away. It was hard for us to get Ha Na to go to school for a few days, but she finally pushed through. My uncle just retired this year, so he has more time to take care of her. Before, it was just me. I loved it though. We helped each other get through it. I missed a lot of outings and get togethers just to be with my sister. I took her everywhere, read to her, taught her how to cook dishes my parents made .. did things that my parents did. She tells me she loves me everyday, and honestly, that's enough for me to make it through the day. If anything happened to her, I don't know what I'd do. That's why you andI had such a rough start. My sister was in the hospital, and I couldn't relax until I knew she'd be okay."

"Wow. She's blessed to have a brother like you."

He nodded. "I'm blessed to have a sister like her. Oh, yeah. You told me about your early life so I guess it's my turn," he chuckled. "I grew up as an only child up until I was 15, and Ha Na was born. I met Tae my freshman year of High School, but we only had one class together. We became brothers my junior year. When I was younger, I didn't have many friends. My parents kind of filled that void for me. They took me everywhere , got me whatever I wanted, and loved me. But in school, I never clicked with anyone. We moved after I graduated from 8th grade, when my mom was pregnant. I felt that it was time for me to open up, and let people get to know me, instead of excluding myself on purpose. That's how I met Tae my freshman year. He was just as bold as he is now. Pretty popular kid. When him and I became friends, I met a lot more people. He was my first real friend. He was there for me and Ha Na when we lost our parents, too."

"Wow, that's pretty cool that you two ended up going to the same school too."

"Right? And we both like the same girl."


"Just kidding," he laughed. " I don't know what you two have going on, but it's a confirmed fact that I like you."

I paused, and looked him in the eyes. He was telling the truth. I quickly looked away when I realized I was staring.

"You okay?"

I cleared my throats and took a gulp of Soju. "Peachy!" I smiled . "Anyway, thanks for telling me your story. Looks like we're both soldiers here."

"Damn right!" He laughed.

We kept each other company throughout the night. We even slow danced at one point. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the best night I'd had in Korea since I'd been there. He took me home around 2 am.

"We've arrived madam."

"Thank you! I had an amazing night," I smiled.

"Likewise madam," he smiled.


"Night Ash."

I got out of the car and closed my door. I walked over to his window, which was halfway down. "Text me when you get home okay?"

"Yes ma'am," he smiled and drove off.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone for the first time in hours. My eyes were drawn to a Snapchat notification from Taehyung. I opened it, and he sent me a video from someone else's Snapchat. Hoseok and I were in the middle of the dance floor, grinding!

"Have fun?", was Tae's response. All I could think was, 'How in the WORLD am I going to get out of this one??'

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