The Real Hoseok

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The next morning I was back at the hotel again, with my head face down in my pillow. I didn't have the energy to get up. I began to worry. I knew I'd come across hardships while traveling, but I never assumed it'd be so soon, let alone so severe. I extended my arm to the desk to retrieve my phone to check my messages. I was suprised to see a good moring text from Hoseok. Usually whenever he'd text me, it was a question about when we'd rehearse or if I'd seen Tae. Pleasantly surprised, I replied back; "Good morning (:"

I had also gotten a text from Taehyung saying: "CB!! ♥♥ STOP BEING LAZY AND SEE MY ASAP. P.S...good morning." I rolled over on my aching back. My laziness was over the top. I texted back : "You come here." without second thought. My phone buzzed again only seconds later. "Lazy. On my way."

Struggling to get up, I opened the door  and  laid back down until he came in.

"Yikes," he said as he looked at me. I hadn't bothered to change out of my sweats and white t-shirt, and my hair was in the tackiest bun of the century. Quite honestly, I didn't care. I rolled my eyes at him as he sat on the bed next to me. "Ireona," he said firmly.

"But I'm tireeeddddd," I slapped the pillow over my face.

"Ya, I'm serious. Get up," he snatched the pillow away from me. "Look Ash, I know you were scared last night because of what happened to you, but now you know for a fact you've got me. So you have nothing to worry about."

"Playing prince charming, are we?"

"This is not acting, this is real life."

I sighed. "No worries. I'm really okay. I'm just a princess who needs sleep, that's all."

He sighed and moved to my couch, putting his feet up comfortably. As I sat up in the bed, I could still feel pain in my back. Taehyung eyed me with a face full of worry.

"Your back still hurts?"

"Just a little."

"Lucky for you, I'm  massage therapist."

I laughed. "Oh come on now, Tae."

"I might have just lied, but my mom says I do a heck of a good job."

"It's because she's nice," I laughed again.

"She's honest too," he stood up and sat on the side of my bed.  "Turn your back towards me."

I turned slowly, trying my best not to trigger any back pain. As he placed his arms on my shoulders, I jumped a little. Not because I was in pain, but because I had a flashback. I was tempted to tell him not to, but as he continued, I felt at ease. I felt something I hadn't felt in a time, and that was trust.

"How's that feel?" He dug his elbow into my back.

"I think it's working," I chuckled.

"You didn't tell me you had a tattoo," he tapped the tattoo on my right shoudler.

"I guess it never came up."

"Does it symbolize anything?"
"Yeah, that butterfly is me. I got it before I came here. It's supposed symbolize my freedom and how I broke away from my past."

"Nice," he said. "But Ash," he dropped his elbow. "Do yourself a favor and let yourself free of your fears. Whether it be a fear of these streets or the people you meet, or the relationships you form. Don't let your fears control you."

I was touched by his words, but in a sense, I was freaked out. He always knew the right thing to say and it always hit home. I turned around, and we ended up face to face like the first time he kissed me. I couldn't  find myself to do anything more than to hug him. When he held onto me, I felt it then and there, I had gained my freedom. I let out two small tears on his T-shirt freely, happy I'd answered the door.

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